Macro Recording & Playback in Zoho Sheet

Some of you may know that we recently launched Macros (and Pivot Tables) support in Zoho Sheet. With our recent update, we now have a new addition - Support for Visual Basic Macro Record & Playback in Zoho Sheet.

While writing Macros from scratch requires knowledge of Visual Basic, recording Macros for your spreadsheet just needs couple of mouse clicks. Under the Macros Menu, you'll now see the 'Record Macro' option to record your Macro.

After you start recording, all the changes you make to the spreadsheet will be recorded and the appropriate Visual Basic code will be created at the back-end for you. Once you are done recording, you can view the Visual Basic Macro code and apply that Macro to other Sheets.

This video shows this functionality in action.

We have been rolling out quite a number of features and enhancements to our applications and some of them give us a great level of satisfaction.This new feature in Zoho Sheet certainly falls into this category.

The fact that Zoho Sheet is the only spreadsheet (apart from Excel) to support Visual Basic Macros says a lot about our focus on the depth of our individual applications. With feature-rich apps, we are trying to address the business needs of our user base.

Please give this new Zoho Sheet functionality a try and let us know what you think.

Related posts at : CenterNetworks, ReadWriteWeb, Profy, The Dallas Morning News, Zoli's Blog, lifehacker.


10 Replies to Macro Recording & Playback in Zoho Sheet

  1. Macros For Dummies...I&#8217ve never made a secret of the fact that my spreadsheet skills are somewhere at the level of what I learned using Lotus 1-2-3:-)  so the recent addition of Macros and Pivot tables to Zoho Sheet was really not my piece of cake.  Not that I woul...

  2. Macros For Dummies...I&#8217ve never made a secret of the fact that my spreadsheet skills are somewhere at the level of what I learned using Lotus 1-2-3:-)  so the recent addition of Macros and Pivot tables to Zoho Sheet was really not my piece of cake.  Not that I woul...

  3. [...] Sheet новую функцию записи и воспроизведения макросов. Об этом было заявлено на официальном блоге Zoho. Саму возможность выполнять макросы разработчики Zoho [...]

  4. [...] Sheet новую функцию записи и воспроизведения макросов. Об этом было заявлено на официальном блоге Zoho. Саму возможность выполнять макросы разработчики Zoho [...]

  5. [...] spreadsheet Zoho Sheet yesterday unveiled macro recording and playback, bringing it one major step closer to matching Excel&#8217s most important features. As of April, [...]

  6. [...] spreadsheet Zoho Sheet yesterday unveiled macro recording and playback, bringing it one major step closer to matching Excel&#8217s most important features. As of April, [...]

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