Lauren McKay in destinationCRM about Zoho

The spate of recent announcements from us like Zoho Projects 2.0, Zoho CRM+Mail Integration & the Zwitch program got noticed by Lauren McKay of From her article titled, 'Are You Ready to Zwitch to Zoho?',

 Zoho, the upstart provider of online Web applications, seems to be

continually integrating and upgrading its products in the cloud, says

China Martens, an analyst with The 451 Group. Martens jokes that it's

as if all of the Zoho developers sit in separate rooms for several

months, each one pounding away at his respective application (Zoho

Mail, for example, or Zoho CRM), only to have the walls come tumbling

down just as the developers are ready to join their applications.

 Unveiled at the start of July, the 2.0 release of Zoho Projects, the

collaboration and productivity platform, reflects multiple integration

efforts, as well as the following improvements:

  • Twitter-like status bars enable project members to be more social within the application.
  • Project-member activities are presented in a project stream, which is a visual representation of project activities.  
  • The

    integration of Zoho Chat and the enablement of group chat, through

    which project members can add tasks, assign them out, and even attach

    documents to them. Members can also move beyond Chat to create a

    discussion forum.

  • An expansion of the user interface to allow

    project members to bring in external information, write notes on

    documents, and assign documents to a particular task.

  • The ability to create a wiki for centralizing information, eliminating the need to import an outside Zoho Doc. 
  • The

    addition of a timesheet, integrated with Zoho Invoice, to log and track

    time spent on specific tasks, and to easily create, send, and track


 Zoho also made some significant enhancements to its Zoho CRM product recently. With the Zoho CRM Mail Add-on,

officially announced on July 21, Zoho CRM now integrates with email --

and not just Zoho Mail. The selection of any email account for

integration will add an "email" tab to the Zoho CRM application. Users

running off a non-Zoho email client can configure Zoho Mail to be the

interface for sending and receiving. According to the company, the most

significant element of the integration between Zoho CRM and Zoho Mail

is that the contact information involved in each email is automatically

added to the Zoho CRM system, where a user can see all of the

correspondence with a particular contact. Users can respond to email

from within the CRM system, or even add tasks to a given contact.

Read the nice article in full here. Thanks to Lauren and destinationCRM.


10 Replies to Lauren McKay in destinationCRM about Zoho

  1. When are we going to see integrated application corporate pricing and interface? Its really silly how disparate the pricing and management of accounts is. If you want the level of corporate adoption that Google has, integration of both HAS to be a priority.

  2. When are we going to see integrated application corporate pricing and interface? Its really silly how disparate the pricing and management of accounts is. If you want the level of corporate adoption that Google has, integration of both HAS to be a priority.

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