Introducing zPost: From the Web, Through the (Postal) Mail with Zoho Invoice

As much as we rely on electronic communications these days, a lot of business still gets done through the regular, postal mail. You know, the one where you actually move physical stuff around the physical world. So, whether your customers prefer to get printed invoices, or they just can't accept electronic ones for various reasons, Zoho Invoice can still help you manage your invoices and get paid faster.

For this, today we are introducing zPost, a new feature of Zoho Invoice that allows you to send printed invoices through the mail without ever leaving your computer!

That means that whenever you want to send a printed invoice, we actually print the invoice for you, put it on an envelope, add the right amount of postage to it, and then we make our summer intern drive to the post office in his bike. But don't worry about our intern... the post office is next to Starbucks, so he has to go there daily anyway. Just kidding of course. We do all this in an automated fashion. Oh, and yes, you can send invoices world-wide (they originate here in the US).

But we don't stop there. Inside the envelope, your customer will find a professionally-printed invoice that will reflect well on your business. In addition, we include a payment coupon that your customer can detach and put in the included return envelop along with her payment and mail back to you. Isn't that easy?

The zPost feature is available now across all of Zoho Invoice plans. To use it, you just need to buy zPost credits, which work pretty much like post stamps, only simpler (and without the licking!). Here are more details about how to use zPost inside Zoho Invoice.



12 Replies to Introducing zPost: From the Web, Through the (Postal) Mail with Zoho Invoice

  1. @ashton murphy Thanks!!! Working on some new exciting features, soon to be announced. Stay in pace with us. Happy Invoicing!

  2. @ashton murphy Thanks!!! Working on some new exciting features, soon to be announced. Stay in pace with us. Happy Invoicing!

  3. Incredible! Zoho is just getting more and more advanced every day, literally everything I could ask for. And now with this it makes everything that much easier, especially for someone that's based in the IT industry. Keep it up guys!

  4. Incredible! Zoho is just getting more and more advanced every day, literally everything I could ask for. And now with this it makes everything that much easier, especially for someone that's based in the IT industry. Keep it up guys!

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