If the browser is the OS, then a dockable smart phone should be the PC

So it turns out the browser is an intrinsic part of the OS after all, except that the browser is essentially the OS. Google's announcement of the Chrome OS - basically a stripped down Linux version that boots directly to Chrome, letting Chrome (rather than the underlying OS) manage the various web sites as "applications" - is great news for all web apps. I am typing this post  in a Samsung netbook running XP, but it has been long time since I ran any app on this netbook other than Firefox or Chrome. Google's announcement opens the floodgates and there are going to be many such devices, like the CrunchPad, which predates Chrome OS, but follows the same basic idea.

In my opinion, the ideal such device is a dockable mobile phone that docks to a display/keyboard/mouse combination via USB - you get to compute while it is charging.  Today's smartphones are almost ready to handle it, particularly if the OS is optimized to run the browser, with a JIT based Javascript engine and not much else.

This is going be a tidal wave that lowers the cost of computing yet again, enabling a country like India, where mobile penetration is at 50% of the adult population yet PC penetration is well below 10%, to become a full participant in the internet age.


14 Replies to If the browser is the OS, then a dockable smart phone should be the PC

  1. I am trying to connect my zoho email to my smart phone(android), and it is not completeing the set up task to get started, what should I do???

  2. I am trying to connect my zoho email to my smart phone(android), and it is not completeing the set up task to get started, what should I do???

  3. this is exactly what i want to see too...basically a cell phone/pda type device that can dock as you say...i've been hoping for something like that for some time...if you could dock to a big monitor, keyboard, larger hard drive, faster internet, and CD, printer, scanner, et al but still carry around the CPU and OS in the device..that would be sweet.also, you could have docking station in libraries, airports, universities, etc...i know for a fact that Linux can be run in a device about the size of a matchbox or smaller..and that was a few years ago.another technology to look forward to is roll up screen technology...wouldn't that be nice, a 17" screen that rolled into a tube? that is on the near horizon too.but i do agree that there is a lot more to computing than just the Web and i hope Google remembers that...but even if Google doesn't, i'm sure that many, many 3rd party people will once Google OS reaches 100 million users or so (i'd say before 2011 is out that will happen)...Goodbye Microsoft, it was nice knowing you (not really...lol)Zoho rocks, by the way. i don't really need it at the moment, but i see that it blows Google Apps out of the water....although Gmail is getting to be untouchable...you have a lot of work to catch up with that one.take it easy.

  4. this is exactly what i want to see too...basically a cell phone/pda type device that can dock as you say...i've been hoping for something like that for some time...if you could dock to a big monitor, keyboard, larger hard drive, faster internet, and CD, printer, scanner, et al but still carry around the CPU and OS in the device..that would be sweet.also, you could have docking station in libraries, airports, universities, etc...i know for a fact that Linux can be run in a device about the size of a matchbox or smaller..and that was a few years ago.another technology to look forward to is roll up screen technology...wouldn't that be nice, a 17" screen that rolled into a tube? that is on the near horizon too.but i do agree that there is a lot more to computing than just the Web and i hope Google remembers that...but even if Google doesn't, i'm sure that many, many 3rd party people will once Google OS reaches 100 million users or so (i'd say before 2011 is out that will happen)...Goodbye Microsoft, it was nice knowing you (not really...lol)Zoho rocks, by the way. i don't really need it at the moment, but i see that it blows Google Apps out of the water....although Gmail is getting to be untouchable...you have a lot of work to catch up with that one.take it easy.

  5. Its groundbreaking idea from Google web OS and they are planning to wipe out Windows in a most strategic manner. Google clearly pointing to Microsoft when they say "The operating systems that browsers run were designed in an era where there was no web". But there are few questions which are unanswered like what will happen when we will go offline in Chrome OS? Can we use offline applications like iTunes or Photoshop? Can we run third party applications? How they are going to make profit from it ? I am also bit concerned whether Chrome OS will be embraced by enterprises as it is open source and web based as there is always a security issue....Just wait another thought can Chrome OS will become a global hit especially in small countries where internet is very fickle. But leaving these things aside its going to be win-win situation for the users and it will be interesting to witness the war between giants.

  6. Its groundbreaking idea from Google web OS and they are planning to wipe out Windows in a most strategic manner. Google clearly pointing to Microsoft when they say "The operating systems that browsers run were designed in an era where there was no web". But there are few questions which are unanswered like what will happen when we will go offline in Chrome OS? Can we use offline applications like iTunes or Photoshop? Can we run third party applications? How they are going to make profit from it ? I am also bit concerned whether Chrome OS will be embraced by enterprises as it is open source and web based as there is always a security issue....Just wait another thought can Chrome OS will become a global hit especially in small countries where internet is very fickle. But leaving these things aside its going to be win-win situation for the users and it will be interesting to witness the war between giants.

  7. The Nokia N97 can already do it. Bluetooth for the keyboard; TV out for the screen.32GB internal HD, 16GB SDHC. 5MP Camera. Supports Skype on the phone.Whine to your carriers. I'm sure the iPhone will have all this in, like, two days.

  8. The Nokia N97 can already do it. Bluetooth for the keyboard; TV out for the screen.32GB internal HD, 16GB SDHC. 5MP Camera. Supports Skype on the phone.Whine to your carriers. I'm sure the iPhone will have all this in, like, two days.

  9. an OS is nothing without software
    No software or crap software and no go, People dont buy OS's but what runs on the OS. So to limit the apps to a browser is extreme to say the least. MS can do this. Remember XP lite a program to strip[ everything out of XP? now just take every app out except the browser and now block installation of apps to the OS. There ya go. Getting excited about that is not something that will last. Another thought is remember iphone 1.2 or abouts before there was an app store. all the aops where what came on the phone or web based apps. Man they sucked big time. I am glad they have real apps now. SO play the price card then. Save you alot of money? yeah right about $25 on your system to have Linux instead of XP. Not alot so take my ability to install anything but web based apps and save me $25 in the process.. Nah thanks

  10. an OS is nothing without software
    No software or crap software and no go, People dont buy OS's but what runs on the OS. So to limit the apps to a browser is extreme to say the least. MS can do this. Remember XP lite a program to strip[ everything out of XP? now just take every app out except the browser and now block installation of apps to the OS. There ya go. Getting excited about that is not something that will last. Another thought is remember iphone 1.2 or abouts before there was an app store. all the aops where what came on the phone or web based apps. Man they sucked big time. I am glad they have real apps now. SO play the price card then. Save you alot of money? yeah right about $25 on your system to have Linux instead of XP. Not alot so take my ability to install anything but web based apps and save me $25 in the process.. Nah thanks

  11. Sridhar, my personal opinion is that the floodgates are already open and Google's OS is redundant. The only justification I could think of is the fact that Google could use this to stop the high handed tactics of Microsoft and, also, push Google Chrome to the masses at a time when IE's share is going downhill. But, these are my early thoughts and it may change once I learn more about their plans.

  12. Sridhar, my personal opinion is that the floodgates are already open and Google's OS is redundant. The only justification I could think of is the fact that Google could use this to stop the high handed tactics of Microsoft and, also, push Google Chrome to the masses at a time when IE's share is going downhill. But, these are my early thoughts and it may change once I learn more about their plans.

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