Dion Hinchcliffe reviews Zoho Planner at Web 2.0 Journal

Thanks a lot Dion, for the extensive & cool review of Zoho Planner.

He writes, "Using a wiki-like page model as a unit of work and collaboration, Zoho Planner lets you drop to do lists, appointments, file attachments, and notes on a page at will and then share them out for others to view or work on", "Zoho Planner offers the now expected Ajax client and in my tests, the resulting interface was clean and natural to use, in fact, probably one of the best I’ve seen, "Long running tasks always provided a visual cue that something was happening, and I encountered no bugs in my testing. Overall, interaction experience gets a big thumbs up", "Overall Zoho Planner is a basic but capable planning service that is exceptionally easy to use".

And he lists no RSS support or API, permalinks are basic as cons.

We sure will work at your suggestions & make Zoho Planner evolve into a more feature-rich app, Dion. Thanks, once more.


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