Consider this. Your strenuous efforts to get your business uphill have stirred ample interest in your work. It is the internet generation (Web 2.0 – tweets, social networks, wikis, YouTube) and there is this demand for immediacy. From product and service demonstrations to delivering your work, everything needs to happen instantly….that is right now!
This being the case you have scheduled an appointment with a promising prospect living in a different state. Unaware of other online possibilities, you explore your options for air tickets and find out that it will cost you about $400 round trip at a minimum, excluding other miscellaneous expenses. You tend to wonder if this would be worth it. A feeling of awkwardness between balancing costs and reaching out to every prospect seeps in. Not good.
Now, consider this other possibility. You don’t explore options for air tickets. Rather, you sit at the comfort of your office or home with your computer, trigger your web browser and share your computer screen with the prospect (located anywhere in the world with internet access) using Zoho Meeting. Then, you start your presentation, interact and collaborate in real-time through text or voice chat. Your impressed prospect is now interested in turning a customer. Good.
Also, you can have people ‘click in’ (walk in) and meet with you from any place (linked to the World Wide Web). This, through a little meeting box embedded on your web page. We had previously told you about how you can get such a feature on your web site.
In all, the ease and effectiveness of online meetings and web conferencing is irrefutable. And how much will it cost you? Well, you will be surprised to know how ‘price, less’ Zoho Meeting is, considering what some people have said about their ‘meet now’ experience in various blogs and articles:
I confess to being a big Zoho fan — the combined quality and range oftheir online offerings is probably unequalled….The [Zoho Meeting]
interface is stylish and compact, not to mention intuitive….I think
that this will be an invaluable addition to many workplaces, not to
mention a winner with web workers.
says this blogger who has spent 15 years in and around capital markets.
I urge you to check out Zoho Meetingand see how easy it is to collaborate with others. Don’t forget to also
check out their other online products (many of them free too) like Zoho Writer (for word processing), Zoho Sheet (for spreadsheets), Zoho Show (for presentations), and many others.
says this blog posted by Michael Hayslip who has spent 11 years as a system administrator in a Fortune 500 company.
says this blog by Matt Thommes who is passionate about promoting the effect the web has on our lives.Zoho Meetingmeets the needs of desktop sharing for small businesses and independent
entrepreneurs. The product is straight-forward and practical.
So you’ve got the coffee, donuts, laser pointer and the infamous whiteboard—all the components of the proverbial think tank. Zoho Meeting makes it possible to put this type of collaboration online—minus the breakfast fare.starts this article on biztools, a web site specializing in tools for small businesses.
So, join the club. Create a lasting impression by instantly meeting your customers. Be available to them immediately. Perform demonstrations and provide hands-on training from your web browser by interacting with them in real-time. Easily organize online meetings with a group of people, using diverse equipment, of varying computer skills and from different parts of the world. Do all this for a 'price, less', while building a reputation that is priceless. 'Meet now' with Zoho Meeting.
Hi Don,Thanks for your comments. Yes, it is interesting how even tech savvy folks are skeptical about using online tools. It only takes a try to know how easy and effective online meetings are.Hi Sozler,Yes, it is very straight-forward and practical. Just a matter of a few clicks and you are on your way to interacting with remote users like you were in person with them.Regards,
Hi Don,Thanks for your comments. Yes, it is interesting how even tech savvy folks are skeptical about using online tools. It only takes a try to know how easy and effective online meetings are.Hi Sozler,Yes, it is very straight-forward and practical. Just a matter of a few clicks and you are on your way to interacting with remote users like you were in person with them.Regards,
The product is straight-forward and practical.
The product is straight-forward and practical.
Right on, Hari--and the more times that online conferencing is used, the more accepted it will be. Even with tech savvy folks, I have experienced great difficulty in getting movement away from face to face meetings. The rock will tip--and when it does--Zoho is going to fly!
Right on, Hari--and the more times that online conferencing is used, the more accepted it will be. Even with tech savvy folks, I have experienced great difficulty in getting movement away from face to face meetings. The rock will tip--and when it does--Zoho is going to fly!