7 Reasons You Should Create a Mailing List for Your Blog

7 reasons for a mailing list

Though people consider it outdated, email has only evolved and grown stronger. The reason? People read emails that promise good reads for the future.

If your site has content worth reading, you should consider a mailing list. Here's why.

Discover your audience.

With a comprehensive list of all your followers, you could schedule content for your audience's time zones, and increase chances of them revisiting your site.

It's human. 

Amidst the social media clutter, email is a quiet way to reach an audience with a personal touch. There are no middlemen, no advertisements, and no promotions. Only honest communication between two people on a shared interest. Personal emails gain trusted readership.

It's pocketbook friendly. 

Everyone has email, and its ubiquity lets you reach more people without worrying about the cost. It's also easy to set up and automate a mailing list so you can reap the benefits with minimum effort.

You'll find beta readers. 

Whether you're working on a new project or a novel, you'll find beta readers in your followers. They would be willing to review your work and tell you what works and what doesn't.

Improve engagement. 

As your readership grows, so will the interaction on your site. You could involve readers in conversations and ask them to become evangelists of your blog by spreading the word.

Get targeted feedback.

Your subscribers are regular readers, and no one knows your work better. You can get honest opinions on your work, or even conduct a net promotional survey to assess your progress.

It motivates you. 

Growing numbers are encouraging. Watching your audience grow will motivate you to share better stories more often. This in turn boosts engagement and promotes your name.

A mailing list helps you create a solid online presence. From a simple blog, you can build up your credibility, and even make a business of it.

It all starts with a simple subscription form.

Do you have a mailing list on your business website? How do you use your mailing list to improve your online brand? Let us know in the comments.


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