Which Kind Of Team Member Are You?

Online collaboration tools are making it easier for teams to be better organized and more coordinated, to help them reach their team goals more efficiently. But collaboration and using the tool effectively also depends on team members and their ability to work as a team.

Each team member has a different mindset or thought process and getting everyone on the same wavelength can be quite challenging. Team leaders need to encourage team members, so that they adopt the collaboration tool more readily and work better as a team.

Here are a few kinds of team members you might have come across:


This team member takes charge of the team a.k.a BOSS. Bozzilla lays down the rules and more often than not tries to doggedly convince or if that’s not possible confuse the team about certain decisions and how they are right. This team member however is prepared to take the blame, for any team mishaps or issues.

“Think Team” Solution:  Patience and a more passive than aggressive tone might help while trying to convince Bozzilla on what’s best for the team.

Side-KickGrumpy Grumpleston

The motto of this team member would be “ It’s the BOSS’s way or the highway!” Side-Kick will nod in agreement to everything BOSS says. Anytime BOSS looks vulnerable and is being cornered, Side-Kick will instantly jump to BOSS’s defense. This member is assured a place in the team by standing guard for BOSS at all times.

“Think Team” Solution: Get BOSS’s nod of approval, which will be a direct command to Side-Kick to step in line and work with the team.

The SaintThe Saint

This team member will be the most wise and practical member of the team.  Will be very knowledgeable and would be the one to counter BOSS’s decisions with rational arguments. If there is one person who can convince the BOSS, it is him.  This member is the one that holds the team together and is the rock that the team leans on during tough times.

“Think Team” Solution:  The Saint is already a team player and always thinks in the interest of the team.

Grumpy GrumplestonThe Zombie

“I should have been BOSS”, is what this team member broods over almost everyday! You will not find a more disinterested and critical person in the team.  Although very knowledgeable, getting Grumpy to share some knowledge is next to impossible, unless you literally beg for it. But if you get into Grumpy’s good books, consider it a boon because this member will be the most helpful person around.

“Think Team” Solution: Keep reminding Grumpy about how knowledgeable he is and how valuable his contribution is for the team.

Mr. Goody Two ShoesSide-kick

This team member will be the most social and diplomatic person in the team. Goody Two Shoes will try pitching ideas but will not push for them and agree to do whatever task is given, like it or not. This member knows how exactly to handle each member of the team and makes sure of being in everyone’s good books.

“Think Team” Solution: Tell Goody Two Shoes its NOT OK to be OK with everything and needs to strongly voice thoughts and ideas if they would benefit the team.

ZombieGoody Two Shoes

This team member like Grumpy Grumpleston will hardly get involved in team discussions. Zombie just goes with the tide and is prepared for ideas to be shot down. This member pretends to be oblivious to everything else and will always seem to be involved with work. Zombie may seem aloof but is very reliable when it comes to completing tasks.

“Think Team” Solution: LISTEN and be more open to ideas  or suggestions of Zombie but you also need to be a bit stern in asking him to get more involved with the team.

Were you able to relate with any of the above team members? You could even share with us some that you have in mind.

Disclaimer: These are just random observations and in no way is my writing targeted at any specific individual, who might think I have a bone to pick with them. Peace!



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