New in Zoho CRM: Zoho Support Integration, Campaign Members, and more...

Marketing Automation, Customer Support and Project Management just got better with Zoho CRM! Our latest updates will tell you how.

Add Campaign Members to a Marketing Activity

Picture this: You have a variety of Marketing campaigns lined up for your existing leads – one is an Online Ad, the other is a webinar and the third is a direct mailer. You want to track the effectiveness of these campaigns – how many of these leads converted to sales, how many need
follow ups, how many … and all this inside your Zoho CRM account. With the functionality available in the Campaigns Module you’d think that this is not possible. Associating more than one Campaign to a Lead is not supported after all.

But wait! Our Campaigns module just became a little more accountable. How? You can now associate multiple campaigns to a Lead or a Contact. After this update, every Lead or
Contact that’s part of a Campaign becomes a Campaign Member and it is also easy to update the status of Campaign Members in one go. There’s more on this update here.

This is what Tim Bigoness, VP of Sales and Marketing, D-Tools had to say about the new capabilities of the Campaigns Module:

They have made some changes that make this much more useful in terms of
tracking marketing activity and associating leads and contacts to
marketing efforts.

The improvements made to this feature set are a big step forward towards
some integrated metrics that would make Zoho CRM an even more killer
app for us.

So, go ahead with your marketing campaigns and associate members to a campaign right inside your Zoho CRM account!

Track your Customer Support Tickets inside Zoho CRM

Wondering how Customer Support got better? Well,
Zoho Support, the
Online Help Desk Software
from Zoho is now integrated with Zoho CRM.

So, what does this mean for you?

In simple terms, Customer Service with Zoho CRM will become a lot more efficient with this contextual integration. You can view the thread of support tickets that a customer or prospect has sent to your Customer Support Center. And if you are a sales person, you’ll know the entire history of communication that the customer had with your company from a single page.

At Zoho, we are already using the Zoho CRM + Zoho Support integration. Peter Balaji, who heads our Sales and Support had this to say:

…Sales guys will now have upper hand and can see if there is a transaction going on with support/pre-sales, whether it is a right time to call the customer and pitch-in for sales, etc..and same applies for pre-sales guys…

So, you can look forward to better interactions, better customer support and manage your customers better with the Zoho CRM + Zoho Support integration!

Improved Zoho Projects Integration
It’s not just the Campaigns module; we have improved the working of Zoho Projects Integration with Zoho CRM. If your company has a separate Project Portal, you can associate that portal too. Learn more about the new functionality here.

Try all these features and let us know what you think. We’d love to hear your comments and suggestions.

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