Capture your website visitors' info

With the advent of Internet and Web-based technologies, corporate Websites becoming a center point for most of the company-wide business activities, including announcement of web events (Webinars, Podcasts, etc.,), self-service to the customers, public support service through bulletin boards, feedback forms for gathering new ideas, Tell a friend forms to introduce products/services to new people and so on.

The notable point is, the above services are built over a kind of Web forms, either data stored in database or directly communicated to the concerned people as an email who take care of the Support, Sales or Marketing activities.

As companies grow big, it becomes difficult managing all these discrete data islands and integrating the corporate Marketing and Sales activities in a single application.

One of the solutions for this kind of problem is, host Web-forms on Website at various touch points, capture visitors’ contact information, and store in a integrated database where all departments (Sales, Marketing, and Support) can access the data freely and use according to their roles.

Keeping this in view, we at Zoho CRM enabled fully customizable Web-to-Leads forms for both On-demand and On-premise customers, so that businesses can effectively utilize this Web age services and focus more on their daily job functions rather worrying about data collection and management.

Using Zoho CRM’s Web-to-Leads function, users can:

  • Generate Web-forms based on the leads data
  • Customize Web forms further and host into the corporate Website
  • As and when Website visitor provides their contact information, transfer the data from Website to Zoho CRM through a secured Web service and create leads
  • Assign leads to respective sales force automatically using Workflow rules
  • Once the data is assigned to the users, use the data for various purposes

For more details, check out Zoho CRM demo



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