Using CRM to Automatically Manage Basic Sales Tasks

Since 2008, Johnny Shami, Sales Director at AdLift has been a customer of Zoho. Prior to that time, he lived in an offline world of contact management and CRM. Plus, all his information was split among different applications: Excel, Word, and even paper. He was constantly asking the typical sales questions such as “What’s my pipeline for this month and next month?” and “What do I need to follow up on?”

It was a world of limited access of information for him, and more so for his team. Once he moved online with Zoho that all changed.

Now that applications are integrated and everyone has access via an online CRM system, Shami says he can complete all the sales 101 tasks he couldn’t complete before such as assigning tasks, finding pipeline information for any month, and seeing how each sales person is performing.

Today, everyone has access to Zoho and Shami’s wasted hours hunting down information has been reduced dramatically.


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