7 ways your CRM can help you become a successful salesperson

How do you define success as a salesperson? Many people relate success in terms of dollars and cents, or closing half a million in sales each month. But truly successful salespeople know that monetary success is just the result of being awesome at what they do.

If you’re just starting your journey as a sales rep, one of the first things to understand is that successful salespeople earn their customers’ trust, which in turn results in earning their customers’ business.

CRM Sales Success

Here are seven traits of a successful salesperson and how your CRM can help you along the journey:

1. Look on the bright side.
Salespeople have to be mentally tough. If someone tells you “no,” try to understand why  and use it to help you in the future. Learn to find the positive in all situations, and don’t let a few lost sales get you down. In the end, you have to believe you’re going to close the sale, even if the person on the other end of the line keeps telling you no.

CRM sales tip:  Look at the  three most recent deals you closed and think about why they said yes. What are the takeaways or trends you found that could help you close the next deal?

2. Be empathetic.
When you’re on the phone or sitting across from someone in a meeting, try putting yourself in his or her shoes and really understand the person’s needs and wants. Don’t go into the meeting assuming you already have the answer.

CRM sales tip: Make notes on your customer account about your conversation and use these notes as a conversation topic the next time you call. For example, if your customer mentions she’s planning a birthday party for her son, make a note in your CRM record so next time you call you can ask her about the birthday party. This will go a long way in establishing trust and credibility.

3. Don’t throw in the towel.
We all have hard days or  times when we want to quit. When those days come, keep in mind the reason you became a salesperson in the first place: you’re driven; you’re focused; you’re good with people; you’re outgoing. Find what motivates you and keeps you focused, and tap into that. Everyone is unique, so what works for one person might not work for others. 

CRM sales tip: Schedule “you time” on your CRM calendar. Try blocking out 30 minutes each morning to read motivational quotes, or take a walk around your office to think through your daily schedule. Whatever you choose to do during this time, focus on motivating yourself. Since Zoho CRM’s calendar integrates with Google Calendar, Outlook and CalDav, you can always stay on top of your schedule.

4. Go ahead and mess up.
It’s easy to play the blame game, but being a successful salesperson means taking responsibility for your actions, for meeting your goals, and for things that go wrong. Being responsible means your potential customer are going to trust you. Start taking responsibility and you’ll quickly gain trust from your customer.

CRM sales tip : Be proactive in communicating with your potential customers.  If you forgot to call a customer or missed an appointment, go ahead an send an apology to your customer letting them know you recognize your mistake. Being transparent with your customer will also build trust. Use your CRM to keep records of all interactions you have with a potential customer.

5. Don’t be a lame date.
When you meet with a prospect, think of it as a first date. OK, not literally.  What I mean is, be curious about your prospect and ask questions. In fact, try selling with questions instead of telling them what they need. Get into the habit of asking engaging questions. In other words, become a good interviewer.

CRM sales tip: In your potential’s CRM record, create a custom text field where you can enter a list of questions that you plan on asking your potential customer. You can quickly update each question with the answer and use it as a reference for the next conversation you have with them.

6. Own your meetings.
Being confident doesn’t mean being egotistical. It means knowing what you’re selling and knowing you’re good at it. The more you know your prospect, your product and/or service, and yourself, the more confident you’ll be.

CRM sales tip: Remember, confidence starts with knowledge. Spend time preparing before you meet with a prospect. Do research beforehand to find out what industry-related associations your prospect might be involved in or what they do for fun. Enter this information into the potential’s CRM record, so you have it handy before going to a meeting with your potential customer.

7. Post away.
Social media is a fantastic way to have a touch point with potential customers, so use it to your advantage. Plus, if you do enough research before meeting a potential customer, you might find something you have in common. This can be a great way to break the ice and keep the conversation moving during your meeting.

CRM sales tip: Use your preferred social media platform as a way to interact in your industry. Post blogs, reply to tweets, and share important facts that your customers and future customers are going to find valuable. Integrate your social media accounts with your CRM so you can keep all of the interactions you have with your customer in one place.




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