Import Spreadsheet - Here, Here or Here

When it comes to managing data, people have been relying on spreadsheet more than anything else. Finance people, todays marketing executives, tomorrows managers and friendly support executives rely on it to get their day to day activities done.

So Zoho Creator is providing users to import their data from the spreadsheets quickly and efficiently.

I would like to tell you the fact that creating an fully functional application is not single day job (though you can in minutes), but it is an incremental process. As you go on using the application, you get more visibility on your requirements and the needs. You add some, delete some, rename few and tweak the application a bit here and there to suit your needs. So the application which you are working on should be flexible enough to give you the best result what you wanted it to, each day, everyday.

Keeping the flexibility in mind, we have provided options to import spreadsheet data at three different scenarios. You can make use of them whenever you need.

# Create Application Window
This will be your first step in creating an application. If you have data in a spreadsheet (.xls .csv or .tsv). Select ‘Import .XLS .CSV’ option and import your data either by copy/paste or by importing the whole file.

# Create Form Window
You have imported the spreadsheet file easily enough to create the application. Now you wanted to create additional form by importing another spreadsheet. Now what?

In the edit mode, just click on ‘Create Form’ button and select ‘Paste your Data from .xls .csv file’ option. Paste the copied data in the area provided. Your form gets created automatically with the required fields.

# Import Data in the live mode
When you have missed the above two options and have landed in the live mode but still wanted to get those data into Zoho Creator which are lying in your spreadsheets. What can you do?

We have thought about that too. In the live mode click on ‘Import Data’ which is at right top corner of the form header, select ‘ From file’ and upload the spreadsheet file. Thats it, data will be imported to the application.

Here in this case, you need to make sure that the field labels in the form and the column names in the spreadsheet are same.

Go ahead, bring in all those spreadsheets which are used extensively by you and your colleagues. See your spreadsheets transforming into web application, beautifully.



2 Replies to Import Spreadsheet - Here, Here or Here

  1. I tried to create a creator app from a rather large spreadsheet but the option to import a local file does not appear. The file is too large to cut and paste so I wasn't able to succeed.

  2. I tried to create a creator app from a rather large spreadsheet but the option to import a local file does not appear. The file is too large to cut and paste so I wasn't able to succeed.

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