Have you found the right contact management tool yet?

Can you use an ​axe to prune roses, or a hacksaw to chop veggies?
They may get the job done, but is either of them the right tool for the job?
A sales ​automation tool can manage your contacts, but is it the right tool for the job?
Isn’t it an overkill?

ContactManager_Finding the right tool

A​ ​contact management tool might be a better bet. Here’s why:

Across your business, you talk to customers,  vendors, partners, auditors, lawyers, consultants, etc. There are many contacts in your phone and mail account as well.
A contact management tool can keep contacts and conversations indexed at one place. If someone in your team needs this information, they can find all the info in one place and avoid the trouble of scanning through multiple sources.

Contact info and conversation history are only the beginning of all the relevant information that you will need. Important Info like products purchased,  customer transactions, team members, customer feedback, etc are tracked carefully. You can record, edit and maintain all this info seamlessly. In addition to pre-set and obvious info like phone, email, etc, the ability to add custom data would be a boon. For instance, lets say that you wish to have info on your contact’s pets. You can just create a new field and begin collecting info about it. If your client loves dogs and has one, it’ll be nice to ask how Fido is doing. Small things like these go a long way in building great business relationships.


What’s the use of having so much info if you can’t use it intelligently? You should be able to categorize and tag the info on specific criteria of your choice. A good contact management tool allows you to organize and label all the info as per the criteria of your choice. Despite having so many features, it goes without saying that an ideal contact management tool must be very simple and easy-to-use.

So if you are looking out for a contact management solution,​ why don’t you try Zoho ContactManager? It might just be the ​right tool for you.


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