Finally! A document hub, receipt auto-scanning, and accounts payable automation all in one.


As a small business owner, you handle a lot of financial transactions in the form of receipts, bills, statements, and other documents. You can’t afford to spend hours to manually record them; you need a solution that’s fast and reduces your workload. Now get your own personal assistant in Zoho Books with the Documents feature.

Simply email or upload your receipts, bills, or purchase orders into Zoho Books and our software extracts key information ready to be converted into transactions. No more data entry, no more filing.

The documents are automatically stored in one secure hub as soon as you upload them, which means you have one common place to view and manage your documents. You can finally stop chasing down missing bills and statements. No more files getting stuck in wallets, inboxes, or shoeboxes. It’s great for collaborating with your accountant and colleagues too.

Read on to learn more about what Documents has to offer you. 


The Auto-scan option in Zoho Books lets you scan your documents, and capture the details automatically, so they can be converted into an expense, bill, or purchase order. If you’ve already scanned them, you can upload them directly and our software will extract the key data for you.

Create transactions straight from your inbox

Tired of toggling between your mailbox and your accounting software to create a bill with an original purchase order? And what do you do when a receipt goes missing? The Documents feature comes with its own unique email address, so you can get your files into Zoho Books just by emailing them. Once you receive a file, you can move it to one of your folders or create a transaction from it, and the inbox gets cleared. 

Match documents with existing transactions

As you’re gathering documents, it’s simple to match them to transactions in your bank feed, or attach them to previously-created transactions. Now you have proof of your transactions for your records, simplifying record-keeping for both you and your accountant. 

Increase collaboration with your accountant 

Help your accountant make sense of your cash transactions by attaching photos of your receipts or bills to the transaction itself. You can also store your tax-related documents and let your accountant access them online; having all the documents in one place makes collaboration easier for both of you.

Attach files from inbox or folders

Have you ever struggled to find a sensible way to store bills from vendors for future reference? The Documents feature of Zoho Books will simplify this daunting task by letting you associate documents with a particular contact as soon as you receive them. You can also associate documents with an email template, chart of accounts, or almost any other transaction in Zoho Books.

Spend a minute on organizing, save hours of searching

Documents allows you to quickly access files without searching through cumbersome paper trails and physical files. Store your documents in separate folders for easier access: for instance, one folder for your contract documents, another one for your insurance documents, and so on. The Admin user has the power to set folder-level access for all the other users in an organization.

You no longer have to look in multiple places to locate the files you need. Now just navigate to your files within our organized folder structure and enjoy easy access to documents from across your organization. Find that elusive client file at a click of a button! As you focus on automating tedious tasks such as receipt scanning, accounts payable and document management, you are not only helping your team collaborate effectively, but also improving your bottom line. 

Want to see it in real time? Give it a try and we’re sure you’ll be more than impressed! 

Here is our help guide to know more about the feature. If you have questions or thoughts that you would like to share, write to us at support[at]zohobooks[dot]com or leave your comments below.

NOTE: Documents feature is now available in all the PAID plans and will soon be available in the TRIAL plan too.


3 Replies to Finally! A document hub, receipt auto-scanning, and accounts payable automation all in one.

  1. The quality of the photographed receipts seems very low - why the choice to make them so low-resolution? I can barely read them. Even though the photos I'm taking are crisp and easy to read.

    1. Hello, Zoho Books pricing starts at $9/month. You can sign up for the 14-day trial plan to test all the features. If you have any questions, feel free to email us at support[at]zohobooks[dot]com. Regards, Reshma

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