Format your Columns as you like in Zoho DB & Reports

Zoho DB & Reports offers a wide range of data types (column types) to store your tabular data. So far, the options offered for formatting the data stored in these column types have been limited. We have addressed this in our latest update.

Zoho DB & Reports now offers a wide variety of formatting options for each data type. With these options, you can choose how you would like to have your data displayed in the various reports created.

How to format a column?

  1. Select the table or tabular view in which the columns are to be formatted
  2. Right click on the column that is to be formatted
  3. Set the necessary formatting option in the dialog that pops up
  4. Click OK to apply the formatting changes

Screen Shot 2016-09-22 at 6.16.22 pmImmediately you will see the formatting options being applied over the column. Zoho DB & Reports also ensures to carry over this formatting set for a column across all the reports (chart, pivot, summary & tabular) created including this column.

Formatting options supported include Text Alignment, No. of Decimal places (for all numeric data types), Currency Symbol (for currency type), Negative Number Display (for currency type), Date display format and Include thousand separator (for all numeric data types).

Customize Chart Coloring:

In Zoho DB & Reports the colors used in charts have been system-generated so far. With the latest update, you can now change the colors used in a chart to suit your taste. Follow the below given simple steps to customize the color in a chart:

  1. Select the Chart whose colors are to be customized
  2. Click Edit Design and go to edit mode
  3. Click on any of the category colors listed in the legend (seen on the right side of the chart) to change the same.
  4. A color chooser will pop up
  5. Choose the color required
  6. Click Apply to apply the color Or Click on Use Default if you would like to revert to system-generated colors.

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Auto-recognizing currency data during Import:

Now Zoho DB & Reports have included the intelligence to auto-identify a data column as currency when you import it into Zoho DB & Reports. You do not have to manually set the data type of those columns as currency, which had been the case so far. The data could be in any of the accepted currency formats (with currency symbol or abbreviation eg., $, USD, etc.,) of any country. Auto-recognition would be applied when you import data into Zoho DB & Reports from any of CSV or .XLS or HTML files

Hope you find the above features useful. As always do give it a try and let us know your comments.

Zoho Analytics – Online Reporting & BI Service


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