Analyze Data Using The New Quarterly & Weekly Options In Zoho Analytics

We posted about enhancements done to the pivot table recently in Zoho Analytics. Here’s more. Pivot tables (and charts, filters) now support quarterly and weekly intervals. This adds to yearly, monthly intervals before. This can be best explained in the sales context. What if you want to know how you did in 1Q 2009 Vs 4Q 2008 (previous quarter) or 1Q 2008 (previous year, same quarter)? Or what if you want to know how you did this week compared to last week or see the trends of the earlier weeks? It is easy now to have reports for such scenarios.

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The screenshot above is for the Actual Values – Quarter & Year, sales in various quarters of each year. Seasonal/Cyclic – Quarter option differs from this as it will give the sum of Quarterly Sales summed across years.

Similarly, the Weekly option is available too. Sales figures of different regions for the various weeks in 2008 shown as a Pivot table.

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The same quarter & week concepts are available in Charts and Summary Views.


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You can also Filter the data using Quarter and Week timelines.

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Try the new Quarterly & Weekly options in Zoho Analytics and let us know your feedback in the comments.

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1 Replies to Analyze Data Using The New Quarterly & Weekly Options In Zoho Analytics

  1. Previously I used this fuction but on a recent table, I don't get the Monthly, Yearly (date related) options coming up. It just offer Actual values and displays the data by each date. What do I need to do to have the options come up again? This is table I hade used previously, so the date is in the correct format. Thanks

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