How do I connect my card to fetch real-time feeds?

To connect your card with Zoho Expense:

  1. Click Admin View.

  2. Go to Corporate Cards on the left sidebar.

  3. Click + Add Corporate Card at the top right corner.

  4. Click Connect Card.

  5. Before you proceed with the next step, you must verify if your card supports real-time feed. Then, read and agree to the end user terms and conditions.

  6. Click Proceed.

  7. On the page that opens, view the steps that you’ll have to perform to connect your card and click Continue.

  8. Enter your Card number, and the Expiry date.

  9. Mark the checkbox to authorize the card network to monitor and share your transaction data with the involved parties, and click Continue.

  10. You will be charged a small refundable amount on your card for security reasons. If you have access to the card’s statements and can view the microcharge, select I know the charge amount. If you cannot access the card statement and require another user with access to view and enter the microcharge, select Send verification request.

  11. If you’ve selected I know the charge amount, enter the exact amount charged on your card. Once you enter, click Validate charge amount. Your card will be added and you can view it in the Corporate Cards module.

  12. If you’ve selected Send verification request in the previous step, an in-app notification will be sent to all the admins. You can click Done and wait for an admin to enter the microcharge. Once an admin clicks the notification, they will be redirected to the card verification page where they can enter the microcharge and click Validate charge amount. Once this is done, the card will be added and you can view it in the Corporate Cards module.

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