
I’m not able to find the Mark as Unfiled button in a BAS return. How else can I mark a BAS return as unfiled?

You will not be able to find the Mark as Unfiled option in the following cases:

  1. The tax payment/claim has already been associated to a BAS return. In this case, the recorded payment or claim has to be deleted. Here’s how you can delete the recorded payment or claim:
  • Click Accountant on the left sidebar and select Tax Payments from the dropdown.
  • Switch over to the Payment History tab.
  • Hover over a payment and click the trash icon.
  • Click OK.
Delete Tax Payment
  1. The BAS return has already been generated. You should delete the BAS reports that were generated as a result of the BAS return (along with the payments) to access the Mark as Filed option in your BAS return. Here’s how:
  • Go to the Reports module on the left sidebar.
  • In the Taxes section, select BAS.
  • Click the dropdown to the right of the BAS return you wish to delete.
  • Click Delete.
  • Click OK to confirm your action.
Delete BAS Report
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