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Project Management in Fourth Industrial Revolution | Korath Mathew

  • Last Updated : March 28, 2024
  • 2 Min Read

We are all aware that the main objective of project management is to secure maximum outputs with minimum efforts and resources. Till now End justified means. However, in the 4th IR, project managers have to broaden their horizon to be inclusive, environment friendly and carbon positiveWill humanity survive the 21st century? Sir Martin Rees predicts ‘a bumpy ride’ ahead.

According to great author, Yuval Noah Harari, the three threats facing humanity in the 21st century are technological, nuclear and ecological.

Many jobs will be replaced by machines and robots. The project manager may have to use up to 70% technology and only 30% manpower. A successful PM will have to be mindful of upskilling employees, using state of the art technology and complying to SDG while focusing on objectives of the company in setting the goals.

Project Management in Industry 4.0 will be different. This event will help you understand

  • Challenges and Opportunities in the 4th IR
  • Jobs that will disappear in the 4th IR
  • New Jobs that will emerge in the 4th IR
  • Advent of New technologies – Power of Innovation
  • Setting goals for Project Management.
  • Preparing the team for the 4th IR working environment.
  • Choice between Human and technology (robot)
  • Keeping Teams on The Same Page in WFH
  • Jack welch Performance-Values Matrix
  • Team building – Whole is more than sum of parts

Speaker: Korath Mathew

Korath Mathew is an ICT leader with over thirty years of experience. He has worked in the field of ICT project design and implementation, Smart City Solutions, E Governance, Aadhaar enabled applications, ERP, SaaS, GIS , Cloud Services , VPN/WAN, IOT, mobile apps, PPP model for e-Governance, e-literacy, e-skilling, Financial Inclusion, digital service delivery with a blend of executive and consultant roles.

Positions Held: 

  • ICT Networking Expert for Amaravati Capital city( Lot A and Lot C)
  • ICT Solution Expert for Smart City Indore.
  • Chief Operating Officer , CSC e-Governance Services India Limited, DeitY
  • PMC, Aadhaar Applications, Unique Identification Authority of India
  • Director, Akshaya(Telecentre)Project, Kerala Government.
  • Member sub-planning board Kerala State for e-Governance policy making.
  • E-Governance Consultant, Project Uthaan(MPUSP) DFID-UK
  • ICT Specialist ADB TA 4989- Deploying Innovative Technology for last Mile Connectivity
  • Dy Team Lead ADB TA 4128: Status study of e-Governance Projects under Govt. of Assam
  • Head Automation , Corps of Engineers, Indian Army.

  • Prathik

    Points the way towards all things that can improve productivity, from project management and collaboration to workplace culture and organizational behaviour.

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