Zoho Recruit | Generating Reports

Generating Reports

You can create new module-specific reports linking some of the other cross-functional modules. For example, you can create a report in the accounts module linking other modules such as Contacts, Job Openings, and others.

Types of Report

Tabular Report:  Displays the data without any subtotals in the report. Use this type of report to create contact mailing lists, consolidated view of recruitment pipeline, and others.
Summary Report:  Displays the data along with subtotals, groupings, and other summary information.
Matrix Report:  Displays the data summarized in a grid against both horizontal and vertical columns.

Create Reports

You can create new reports according to your organization's requirements. The customization of a report involves the following steps:
  1. Select the module and the corresponding cross-functional modules
  2. Select the report type (Tabular, Summary, or Matrix report)
  3. Select the report columns
  4. Group the columns
  5. Select the calculation functions
  6. Specify the advanced sorting filters
  7. Save the report in folder
Profile Permission Required: Users with the Reports & Dashboards permissions can access this feature.
  1. You can customize the standard reports as per your requirements by clicking the Customize link in the Reports Homepage. Once customized, you cannot revert to the default report.
  2. On sharing a report that you have created with other users in your organization, note that all fields in the report will be visible to them, even though some users may not have the permission to view some fields.
Part 1: To select a module and the cross-functional modules
  1. Navigate to the Analytics module and select Reports from the left-panel.
  2. Click Create Report and fill-in the following details:
    1. Select the primary module from the drop-down list.
    2. Select the cross-functional modules from the Related Modules list box.
      You can use the fields from the Related Modules in defining the criteria, in adding columns in your report and select columns to total.
  3. Click Continue.
Part 2: To select the report type
  1. Under the Report Type sub-tab, select one of the following report options:
    1. Tabular Report
    2. Summary Report
    3. Matrix Report
  1. When you select the Summary Report, the Grouping tab will also be available.
  2. You can Run or Save the report at any point while creating it.
  3. When you click the Run button, the system will prompt you to save the report. The report is saved temporarily and then a preview of the report is generated.
  4. When you click the Save button, the report is saved in the folder that you specify.
Part 3: To select the report columns
  1. Click on the Columns sub-tab.
  2. Do the following to select the columns to be displayed in your report:
    1. Select the columns from the Available Columns list box.
    2. Click on Add.
    3. The columns will be added to the Selected Columns list box.
    4. Use the Up and Down arrow keys to sort the display order of the columns.
    5. Select the column name and click  to delete the selected column.
  3. Click on Save.
    In the pop up window, specify the 
    Report NameDescription, and Report Folder details.
  4. Click on Run to save the report first, and then run it.
  5. Once you have selected the report columns, click the Grouping tab if you are using Summary Report otherwise click on the Columns to Total tab.
Part 4: To group report columns

The system will display the column names (in the Columns tab) only for those modules that you select here.
  1. Click the Grouping sub-tab.
  2. This tab will be available only when you select Summary Reports under the Report Type tab.
  3. In the Grouping page, you can group the records based on the grouping criteria that you specify.
  4. Select the values from the respective lists.
  5. Select Ascending or Descending from the list.
Part 5: To select the calculation functions
  1. Click the Columns to Total sub-tab.
  2. Select the required calculation functions ( Sum, Average, Lowest Value, Largest Value ).
Part 6: To specify advanced sorting filters
  1. Click on the Criteria sub-tab.
  2. Select the additional criteria for the report.
  3. Once you have completed the report customization, do one of the following:
    1. Click on Run to preview the report.
    2. Click on Save.
    3. Click on Cancel.
Note: You can also use a Record's Created By and Modified By fields to define a criteria.
Part 7: To save report in folder
  1. Click on Run or Save.
    Note, that you can run the report only after you save it.
  2. In the Save Report dialog box, do the following:
    1. Enter the Report Name.
    2. Enter the Description of the report.
    3. Select the Report Folder in which the report has to be stored.
  3. Click on Save.

Edit Criteria Patterns

Criteria Pattern Editor in the report help you to define advanced filters using simple logic like and / or.
Profile Permission Required: Users with the Reports & Dashboards permissions can access this feature.
Note: You can specify a maximum of 25 criteria in a report.
To edit criteria patterns
  1. Navigate to Analytics > Reports and click on Customize for the corresponding report in which you want to edit the criteria pattern.
  2. In the Customize Report page, click the Criteria tab.
  3. Review your existing criteria and click on the Change Pattern link.
  4. In the Pattern Editor box, modify filters and click on the Save link.
  5. Save the modified report.
You would like to create a report that lists out the potentials based on the following criteria:

Stage  is 'Closed', and Assigned Recruiter is 'Patricia Boyle or Hannah Smith', and Industry is 'Education' and 'IT Services', and Candidate Source is 'Added by User'.

You can create this criteria easily with the Criteria option as given below:

The criteria pattern will be automatically set as:

Since the criteria pattern does not match the requirement, you can edit it as:
You can use the following charactersin Criteria Pattern Editor:
  1. Round brackets: ( )
  2. and / or operators
  3. Criteria Row Number
Important Notes
  1. When the Change Pattern box is open, you cannot add or delete a criteria row under the Specify Criteria section.
  2. The operator precedence will not be taken into account if you do not specify brackets.For example, if you specify the criteria as 1 or 2 and 3, it will be considered as ((1 or 2) and 3)
  3. You can change the and or or of the criteria rows and it will be updated in the Editor below.
  4. You can change the and or or condition in the pattern and it will be updated in the rows above.
  5. If you specify 1 and 2 and save it, on editing the report the pattern will be shown as (1 and 2). For (1 and 2) or 3 the pattern will be shown as ( (1 and 2) or 3 )
  6. If you add more rows in the editor and delete one by one there will be additional brackets displayed in the pattern. For example if there are 4 rows added and you delete the 3rd row, the criteria pattern will be as ( ( ( ( 1 and 2 ) ) ) or 3 ). If the first row is deleted then it will be shown as ( ( ( ( 1 ) ) ) or 2 ). However, on saving the criteria, it will change as ( 1 or 2 ).
  7. Make sure that you do not use the following as they are invalid: (), (and), (or)
  8. If the brackets do not match it will be treated as invalid.
  9. There will be an error message, if the number of rows and the numbers given in the pattern does not match and also, if there are any missed numbers in the pattern specified.
  10. Save and Cancel buttons on the report will be hidden while editing the criteria pattern.
  11. In case the final brackets are missing, there will be a difference in the Criteria Patterns Editor and its view mode.
Your Criteria Pattern in Editor
Your Criteria Pattern in View Mode
( 1 and 2 ) or ( 3 and 4 )
(( 1 and 2 ) or ( 3 and 4 ))
1 and 2 and 3 and 4
(1 and 2 and 3 and 4 )
( 1 or 2 ) and ( 3 or 4 )
( ( 1 or 2 ) and ( 3 or 4 ) )

Use 'Last Activity Time' in Criteria

The time when any change is made to a record, be it adding a note, closing a task, sending emails or just editing the fields is captured under "Last Activity Time".  The information in this field can be used in Reports criteria, to filter out records that had no activity for a specific period of time or those records that had recent activities.
  1. This option is supported only in the Candidates, Clients, Contacts and Job Opening modules.
  2. These modules should be selected as the Primary module or should be one of the Related modules.
  3. While Last Activity Time under list view criteria captures all updates made to a record, the Last Modified Time will only capture changes made to the fields and does not include changes made to the Notes, Tasks or Email sections. 
  4. This criteria can be used in all types of reports.
Profile Permission Required: Users with the Reports & Dashboards permissions can access this feature.
The activities and updates that will be recorded as Last Activity time:
  1. Editing fields in a record
  2. Adding & updating activities, i.e. Events, Calls
  3. Sending emails to candidates and contacts
  4. Adding & editing notes
  5. Adding job openings & contacts under an account
  6. Changing the owner of the record
  7. Adding and deleting a record
    (This does not include deleting a record associated to the parent record.)
  8. Closing a task
  9. Deleting and restoring the records (individually or in bulk).
  10. Mass operations such as Mass Update, Mass Transfer etc.
    (Except for the Mass Delete option.)
The activities and updates that will NOT be recorded as Last Activity time:
  1. Editing contacts or job openings under an account will not be listed under the Account.
  2. Deleting related lists under a record.

Create Report Folders

By default, reports are stored in different categories. You can create personal or public folders to store the frequently used reports in a common folder for easy access.

To create report folders
  1. Navigate to Analytics > Reports and click Create Report Folder.
  2. In the Create Report Folder page, do the following:
    1. Enter the Folder Name.
    2. Enter the Folder Description.
    3. Select Accessibility Details:
      1. All Users are allowed to view this Report Folder: Select if you would like to enable the folder access for all the users.
      2. Show this Report Folder only to me: Select if you would like to enable the folder access only to you.
      3. Allow the following users to view this Report Folder: Select the users or user roles that can access the folder.
  3. Click Save.

View Reports

To access standard reports in the Reports tab click the specific report (For example, Contact Mailing List from the Clients & Contacts Reports) from the Reports folder (for example, Clients & Contacts Reports, Job Openings reports, and others).

To view the report
  1. Navigate to Analytics > Reports and click the required reports group.
  2. From the list of reports that are displayed, click the required report's link.
  3. Click the Edit link to modify the Report Name, Folder details and Description of a report.
  4. Click the Customize link next to the report to customize the report.
  5. In the Reports page, you can do the following:
    1. Export: Use this option to export and save the report in Excel, PDF, or CSV format in your local dirive.
    2. Save As: Use this option to save the report with a new name. This option is useful when you filter a specific set of data and save it for future reference.
    3. Customize: This feature is used to customize the report with regards to the report types, columns, grouping, filter criteria in the report, etc.
    4. Reload: Use this option to update or refresh the contents of the page.
    5. Hide Details / Show Details: Click Hide Details to hide the details of the report and click Show Details to see the hidden details of the report.
    6. Create Chart: This feature enables you to create charts, (such as Bar diagrams, Pie charts, Line charts, Funnel charts) based on the selected report details.
  6. Do one of the following, and then click Apply Filter to view reports based on the filter options specified:
    1. Select Last Created Time or Last Modified Time from the Column list.
    2. Select the option from the adjacent list. ( Next FQ, for example).
      On selecting this option, the system will automatically display the Start and End date in the respective boxes.
    3. Enter the Start Date and the End Date in mm/dd/yyyy format, or select the date from the calendar displayed.
  1. A maximum of 2000 records will be listed in a page. You can use the navigate options to view others pages. 
  2. You will be able to export up to 2000 records per page, in each export.
  3. FQ refers to Financial Quarter and FY refers to the Financial Year.

Delete Reports

Periodically, you may delete some of the unnecessary reports. Please note that you can delete the reports created only by you. Also, you need to have the Manage Reports and Dashboards permission in you profile.

To delete reports
  1. Navigate to Analytics > Reports.
  2. In the Reports home page, click Delete corresponding to the report that you want to delete.

Edit Standard Reports

You can edit the predefined reports, provided you have the Manage Reports and Dashboards permission in you profile.

To edit reports
  1. Navigate to Analytics > Reports.
  2. In the Reports home page, click Edit corresponding to the report that you want to edit.

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