Rate cards help you define the rates you will be charging for your services (or) Ratecards help you provide your clients a set of standard rates for your services (or) Rate cards help you set standard rates for all the job titles defined by your clients.
Default Rate Cards
Whenever you create a new Tempstaffing account, a default rate card will be created for your organization. The format of the default ratecard will be <Company Name> RateCard. Your account administrator will be able to set rate details for various job openings. You can also tag your clients who have fixed similar rates for various job positions.
Note: You cannot delete the Default Ratecard
Following are the steps to add job titles in Default RateCards:
- Log into Zoho Tempstaffing with Admin privileges.
- Go to the top right corner of the screen and click Setup > Customization > Rate Card.
- In the Rate Card section, select your default rate card name.
- You'll be taken to the Default rate cards detail page where you can tag your clients and add remarks for the same.
- To add different job titles under Default Ratecard, Choose + Add Job Titles.
- You can now add your job titles along with the rate card information in the Details page.
- Enter the details and click Save.
Custom Ratecards
Your clients may define various rates for different jobs. Based on your client requirements, you can define unique rate cards or clone your existing rate cards and tag your clients to that. to help you follow the company specific billing model.
Following are the steps to add custom rate cards:
- From the ratecard list page select +New to create a new custom ratecard.
Name your ratecard and tag your clients to assign this rate card.
Click Save & Add Job Titles.
You will be taken to add the Job Title and billing information.
Click Save
Note: You can tag multiple clients to a single ratecard, but a client can be associated with only one ratecard.
Creating custom rates from Jobs module:
Zoho Workerly also allows you to create custom Ratecards from the Jobs module. Based on the job title you give in Jobs module, the billing information will be automatically filled, if you had added that job title in the ratecard setup page.
To add custom ratecards from jobs module:
- Go to Jobs module from the top menu bar.
- Under the basic information section, enter the number of temps required for that job.
- While entering the Required Job Title, you can either select the jobs from the popup list or create a new job in the field.
- If you select an existing job, the billing information will be automatically filled. Alternately, if you create a new job title, then you can create custom rate card under the billing information section. Attach SS
How to assign a Rate card to a client?
Assigning your rate cards to clients can be done in two ways:
Method 1:
- Log into Zoho Workerly account with admin privileges.
- In the top bar, go to Clients module and click +New Client.
- While creating a new client, default organization ratecard will be chosen in the Rate Card field (Attach SS).
- You can also choose from a list of custom ratecards shown in the drop down to assign it for that particular client.
Method 2:
Alternately, the other way of assigning a ratecard to client is to tag them in the ratecard setup page.
To assign a ratecard from the setup page:
- Log into your Tempstaffing account with admin privileges.
- Go to the top right corner of the screen and click Setup > Customization > Rate Card.
- Select the ratecard for which you need to tag a client.
- In the rate card detail page, tag the client.
- Click save.