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How can I add a date to the description field while sending a recurring invoice?

  1. You can add a date to the description field of each item, to specify start and end date of the recurring invoice. To do this, simply go to the item field, and start introducing the necessary placeholders in the ‘Item details’ section.
  • Days are represented with %(d)%, %(day)%, or %(DAY)%,

  • Months are represented with %(m)%, %(month)%, %(MONTH)% (to depict the month as a word eg: January) or %(mm)% (to depict the month as a number eg: 1)

  • Years are represented with %(y)%, %(year)% or %(YEAR)%,

Note : You can also combine all three date components under a single placeholder too (Eg: %(d)(m)(y)% is a valid command).

  1. Mentioning Time frames : Frame your start and end dates in any format using the above variations. The format used to represent days, months and years can be different

Eg: %(d)%,%(M)%,%(Year)% is a valid format even though days are represented with in small letters, months with capitals and years are represented with the word ‘Year’.).

  1. To add or subtract days,months or years, simply use the “+” and “-” keys. Eg: %(d+15)%,%(m+3)%,%(y)% results in 15 days and 3 months being added.

Note : The placeholders functions are very context specific, so please take care with the way they’re used.

Example : To add one month, use ‘%m+1%’ rather than ‘%d+30%’ since the latter would see your date jump from March 1’st to March 31’st (an addition of 30 days) and not April 1’st like required.

  1. Delimiters are used in between the date components. The valid delimiters are the comma(,), the hyphen(-), the dot(.) and white space. If none of these delimiters are specified, space is taken as the default delimiter. Three different delimiters can be used while mentioning a date, but not more than one should be used between a pair of date components

Example :-

  • ‘%(d)% , %(m)% - %(y)%’ (Two different delimiters comma and hyphen used between the components) - Valid scenario.
  • ‘%(d)% ,,%(m)% – %(y)%’ (Delimiters used twice between a pair of date components) - Invalid scenario.
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