
How do I invite a user under a different domain to my organization?

You can invite a user only if their Zoho account is under the same domain as your organization.

Let’s say that your organization was created in the India data centre ( However, the account of the user you want to invite is in the US data centre ( Since the data centre of the user is different from that of the organization, you’ll not be able to invite the user.

However, there a couple of workarounds you can use to invite a user from a different domain. Here’s how:

  • If the user has an active subscription for any Zoho applications under their current Zoho account, we suggest inviting them through a different email address which is in the same domain as your organization.
  • If the user does not have an active-subscription for Zoho applications under their current Zoho account, you can ask them to delete their account. Once their account is closed, you will be able to invite them using their original email address.

Warning: Deleting your Zoho Account will permanently delete all organizations from various Zoho products linked to your account.

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