
How do I bill partially from a purchase order? How do I create a single bill from multiple purchase orders?

Partial Billing from a Purchase Order (single Purchase Order, Multiple Bills):

  • Navigate to the Purchase Order module and select the purchase order from which you would like to bill your vendor partially. (The PO should contain multiple items).
    Partial Billing
  • Now select the Convert to Bill option placed on top of the PO window.
    Convert to Bill
  • In the Bill creation form, go to the *Items section and remove the items not supplied by your vendor. Click on Save to create the bill.
    Items in Purchase Order
  • After the bill is created for the item supplied, the status of the PO will change to Partially Billed.
    Partially Billed
  • Now you can select the Convert to Bill option again to create another bill for the remaining items.

Single Bill from Multiple Purchase Orders:

  • From the New Bill Form:

    • Select a vendor name with multiple Open Purchase Orders.
    • In the Items section, you will find a notification to include the open purchase orders to the bill.
      Open Purchase Order Notification
    • Click on the notification and you will be asked to select the open POs that you wish to be included to the bill.
      List of Purchase Order
    • Select the open POs you wish to be included and click on Add.
    • Now the products mentioned in those POs will be added into the Items section of the bill. Click on the Save to create the bill.
      Purchase Order in ITems
  • From an Already Created Bill:

    • Select the bill of a vendor who has multiple purchase orders in open state.
    • You will find a notification in the bill window notifying about the open purchase orders.
      Open Purchase Orders in Window
    • Click on Click here to add those purchase orders to the bill.
    • You will be asked to select the purchase orders to be added. Add them and click on Save.

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