
What is the difference between recurring invoice and auto charge?

If you’re charging your customers on a regular basis for the same set of products or services you offer, you can simplify the process by converting the invoice into a recurring invoice. This will allow you to automatically generate invoices at periodic interval.

However, auto charge is a feature of recurring invoices where you can automatically charge your customer’s credit card or debit money from their bank accounts via ACH payments whenever a recurring invoice in generated.

To convert an invoice into a recurring invoice:

  • Go to the Invoices tab and select the invoice which you wish to convert into a recurring invoice.
  • Click on the More drop-down and select the Make Recurring option.
  • Set the interval at which the invoice should recur and click Save.

To enable the auto-charge feature:

  • Click on the Gear icon on the top right corner and navigate to Preferences -> Recurring Invoice -> Create, Charge and Send Invoices. Make sure this option is selected and click Save.

  • You need to integrate with a payment gateway that supports the ‘Auto-Charge’ feature.

  • Once you have completed the steps mentioned above, navigate to the Contacts module, select a contact and click on Add New Card from the More drop-down.

  • Enter the credit card details and click on Save.

The contact’s credit card details will now be saved in your account and you can use it charge him/her.

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