
How do I check if the display name is approved for the business phone number provided by Meta?

If you’re using a business phone number provided by Meta (with +555), you must check if the display name is approved. If not, your messages will be sent with your phone number instead of your display name. To fix this, update the display name and get it approved by Meta. Here’s how:

  • Log into the Meta Business Suite.
  • Go to Settings in the bottom left corner of the page.
  • Select WhatsApp accounts under Accounts in the left pane.
  • Select the respective WhatsApp Business account.
  • Click WhatsApp Manager at the bottom of the WhatsApp account pane. The phone number associated with that business account will be displayed.
  • In the phone number pane, navigate to the Profiles tab.
  • Click Edit in the Display Name section.
  • In the Edit display name pop-up, enter the required display name and click Next.

The new display name will be approved by Meta, usually within a few minutes to several working days. Once approved, you will receive a notification from Meta, either through their notification panel or an email. Then, you can delete the default WhatsApp Business phone number in Zoho Books and reconfigure it to send messages to your customers from your WhatsApp Business account.

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