
How do I enable Multi-Factor Authentication for my Zoho Books account?

Zoho supports Single Sign-On (SSO), which means you can access any service with the same sign-in page and credentials. Additionally, it supports Multi-factor Authentication to add a layer of security while signing in to your accounts. The different MFA modes that are currently supported are:

  1. Zoho OneAuth
  2. OTP Authenticator
  3. Security Key
  4. Passkey

To enable MFA for your Zoho account:

  • Go to and log in with your registered email address and password.

  • Click Multi-Factor Authentication on the left sidebar to view the different MFA modes.

    MFA Modes
  • Select the MFA mode you prefer and click Set up Now.

  • Follow the instructions listed for each MFA mode to enable it for your Zoho account.

Once you’ve set up MFA, future sign-ins will require you to verify your identity to prevent unauthorized access to your account.

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