
How do I raise an invoice for a billable expense?

There are two ways to raise an invoice for a billable expense. You can do this directly from the expense or create an invoice and include the unbilled expense.

To create an invoice from the expense:

  • Go to the Purchases module on the left sidebar and click Expenses.

  • Select the expense you have marked as billable and click the Convert To Invoice button.

    Convert to Invoice
  • A new Invoice will be created with the expense details.

  • Enter other required details and click Save and Send to send the billed expense as an invoice to your customer.

To add an unbilled expense to an invoice:

  • Go to the Sales module on the left sidebar and click Invoices.

  • Click + New in the top right corner to create a new invoice.

  • Select the customer for whom you recorded the billable expense.

  • The unbilled expense associated with the customer you have selected will be displayed below the item table.

  • Click the unbilled expense to add it to the invoice.

    Unbilled Expense
  • Add other necessary details and click Save and Send.

The billed expense will be sent as an invoice to your customer.

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