
I have provided a handwritten check, how do I record them?

Handwritten cheques for bills are common and Zoho Books provides a provision to record them. Here’s how you can record it:

  • Go to the Purchases module and choose Bills.
  • Locate the bill for which you have issued a handwritten check.
  • Click Record Payment and enter the relevant details.
  • Select Check from the Payment Mode dropdown and choose Undeposited Funds account from the Paid Through dropdown.
  • Save the payment.

Once the cheque clears, you can create a fund transfer entry in the respective bank account. To record it:

  • Go to the Banking module on the left sidebar and click the bank account from which the amount was transferred.
  • Click Add Transaction and choose Transfer To Another Account as the category.
  • Enter the required details and, in the To Account field, associate the Undeposited Funds Account.
  • Save the transaction.

Insight: Instead of following the above workaround, you can now print cheques from Zoho Books. Visit this link to learn how to print cheque payments for vendor bills and advances.

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