
How do I apply discounts on the bills I record in Zoho Books?

To apply discounts to the bills you record in Zoho Books, you will first have to choose at what level you want to apply the discount. It can be done either at the transaction level or at the line item level.

Warning: You cannot apply discount on bills at the organization level as the discount preferences tend to vary from vendor to vendor.

To apply a discount for your bill:

  • Go to Purchases on the left sidebar and select Bills.

  • Click + New button on the top right corner to create a new bill.

  • From the Discount Type dropdown, select the level at which you need to apply discounts.

    • At Transaction Level: If you select transaction level discount, you can apply discount to the whole transaction. In the Total section, you can enter discount percentage or discount price in the Discount field. Choose an account for the discount value in the Discount Account field.

    • At line item level: If you select line item level discount, you can apply discount for each line item. You can enter the discount percentage or discount price in the Discount column.

  • Click Save.

The discount applied will be saved along with the bill details.

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