
How can I account for extra bank charges in Zoho Books such that my transactions match their respective bank payments?

You can account for bank charges in Zoho Books by simply entering the necessary charge while manually recording the payment on an invoice. You can do this by clicking on the particular invoice and selecting the option Record payment

Alternatively, you can categorize the transaction from the Banking tab to account for the bank charges.

  • Select the Banking tab from the left panel on the Zoho Books home page.
  • Select the respective transaction, and click on Categorize manually.
  • Here, select Customer payment under category and enter the appropriate amount under Bank charges.

Bank charges

  • Your invoice amount will now match the amount deposited in the bank as payment on the invoice, the invoice will now read Paid.

Note : If the bank charge is listed as a separate transaction, you can simply exclude it from the list.

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