
What are the accounts that cannot have a sub-account or a parent account in Zoho Books?

Accounts in Zoho Books can either be created manually or could be system generated. Each account can have sub-accounts and parent accounts. However, there are few accounts that cannot have either of it. Here’s a list of such account types and account names:

Account type:
Payment Clearing
Credit Card

Account name:
Account Receivables
Accounts Payable
Bad Debt
Bank Fees And Charges
Branch Account
Customer Advances
Deferred Revenue
Exchange Gain Or Loss
Expense Payment
Finished Goods
Goods In Transit
Inventory Asset
Late Fee Income
Opening Balance Adjustments
Other Charges
Retained Earnings
Salaries And Employee Wages
Salary And Bonus
Sales To Customer (Cash)
Shipping Charges
Tax Adjustments
Tax Payable
Travel Account
Unearned Revenue
Work In Progress

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