My customer wants to automate the entire subscription payment process, how can I do that?

If you’re here then it means that currently your customer is paying using the invoice payment link or they’re directly paying you via cash/check/bank transfer.

So, if you want to automate the entire subscription renewal process, you must first associate a payment option for the subscription. This way you can charge your customer automatically on every renewal.

Payment option can be added either by you or by the customer.

By You:

If you have the customer payment option details you can directly associate the payment option.

To do so,

Directly by the Customer:

If your wants to enter their payment information directly you can use the Request Payment Method option. What it does is that it will send your customers a form to their email address requesting them to enter their card/bank account details.

To request your customers for card/bank account,

Associating card/bank account for a subscription

Once card/bank account is successfully added, you have to manually associate the card/bank account to a subscription so that Zoho Billing can automatically charge customer on every renewal.

To associate a card/bank account for a subscription:

If Save is clicked, the card will be associated to the subscription but it will not been charged on renewals.

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