My customer wants to automate the entire subscription payment process, how can I do that?
If you’re here then it means that currently your customer is paying using the invoice payment link or they’re directly paying you via cash/check/bank transfer.
So, if you want to automate the entire subscription renewal process, you must first associate a payment option for the subscription. This way you can charge your customer automatically on every renewal.
Payment option can be added either by you or by the customer.
By You:
If you have the customer payment option details you can directly associate the payment option.
To do so,
- Go to the Subscriptions module and select the subscription to which you want to associate the payment option.
- Next, click Associate Payment Option button at the top and select the required option.
- In the following screen, enter the required details and click Save and Change to Online.
- Once done, the customer will be automatically charged and subscription will be renewed.
Directly by the Customer:
If your wants to enter their payment information directly you can use the Request Payment Method option. What it does is that it will send your customers a form to their email address requesting them to enter their card/bank account details.
To request your customers for card/bank account,
- Go to the Customers module and select the customer for whom you want to add the card/bank account details.
- Select the More button at the top-right and click on Request Payment Method. Once done, Zoho Billing will send an email with your organization details and they can add their card/bank account using the link provided in the email.
- Once the customers add their card/bank account, it will reflect inside Zoho Billing.
Associating card/bank account for a subscription
Once card/bank account is successfully added, you have to manually associate the card/bank account to a subscription so that Zoho Billing can automatically charge customer on every renewal.
To associate a card/bank account for a subscription:
- Navigate to the Customers module and select the customer.
- Next, click on the subscription for which you want to associate the card with.
- In the subscriptions details page next, scroll down and click the Associate Payment Options button and select the respective option.
- In the following screen, select the card/bank account using the radio button and click Save.
- Once done, the customer will be automatically charged and subscription will be renewed.
If Save is clicked, the card will be associated to the subscription but it will not been charged on renewals.