Integrate Zoho Billing with GoCardless

GoCardless is a payment gateway that allows your customers to make direct debit payments for their invoices and recurring invoices. You can use the GoCardless integration in Zoho Billing to receive payments in AUD, CAD, EUR, GBP, and NZD.


Points to Remember

Connect GoCardless with Zoho Billing

You can connect Zoho Billing to an existing GoCardless, or create a new one:

New GoCardless Users

If you don’t have an existing account with GoCardless, you must create one first. To do this:

Set Up

You will receive a verification email from GoCardless.

Company Information

Once you’ve set up the company information, you can initiate a mandate sync.

Existing GoCardless User

If you have an account with GoCardless, you can proceed to set up the integration in Zoho Billing.

Initiate Mandate Sync

Once you have connected your GoCardless account with Zoho Billing, you can fetch your customers’ mandate details from your GoCardless account using the Mandate sync feature.

To initiate a mandate sync:

Mandate Sync

Here are a few points you should remember while performing a mandate sync:

Notes: Once the mandate sync has been completed, you will receive an in-app notification with the total number of mandates and the number of mandates that were synced.

Configure Customers

You can configure your customers to pay via their bank account when you send an invoice to them for the first time, to enable this:

Notes: When an invoice is sent to your customer, they will have to check the **I authorize (organisation name) to use this Direct Debit Mandate automatically for future transactions** checkbox in the customer portal. For recurring invoices, your customers can choose this option from the invoice email that is sent to them.
Insight: For customers to pay via GoCardless in the customer portal, you need to enable the **Allow customer to pay via Direct Debit** option in a customer's edit page.

Receive Payments

Once you have configured customers for direct debit payments, you can select GoCardless as the payment mode for your invoices. Here’s how:

Notes: If you want to enable your customer to make partial payments, you can check the **Allow customer to make partial payments for this invoice** option.
Insight: The payment gateway that you select for an invoice will be automatically set for the next invoice by default.

Your customers’ saved payment information can be used in the following way to make invoice payments:

Charge Customers

You can use the charge customer option to charge your customer automatically for their outstanding invoices:

Charge Customers

For recurring invoices, you can associate the payment method or your customer can make their first payment and choose to save the card details, after which, they will be automatically charged for future invoices.

Payments via Customer Portal

Your customers can use their stored payment information to make payments via the customer portal. Here’s how:

Pay Now
Insight: Your customers can also choose to save their account details for future transactions by checking the **Use this Direct Debit mandate for future transactions** option.

The next time your customer wants to pay for an invoice, they can either pay using an already saved account or use another account.

Recurring Invoices Payments

You can automate recurring invoice payments by either asking your customers to store the bank account details while making their first invoice payment or you can use the stored mandate to associate it with a recurring invoice. This way, Zoho Billing will automatically charge your customer every time a recurring invoice is generated.

Direct Debit

Your customers can also save their payment method by checking the I Authorise [org name] to use this Direct Debit Mandate automatically for future transactions checkbox in the payment page that will appear once they click Pay Now in an invoice email.


Other Actions


You can change the header content of the payment page by changing the Mandate Description. To do this:

Notes:Your organisation’s name will be displayed by default if the mandate description is left empty.


Reconciliation helps you keep track of GoCardless transactions along with the fees levied on each transaction. The amount for all invoices paid via GoCardless will fall under your GoCardless Clearing account. Enabling Reconciliation lets you track the amount you actually receive in your account and the amount that is being withheld as transaction fees.

To enable reconciliation:

Fill in the following details:

Details Description
Account Where GoCardless Transfers The Money You can map your bank accounts in which you receive payments from GoCardless.
Fees Account This account tracks the fees charged by GoCardless for the transactions processed through their payment gateway. By default, the label is GoCardless Fees. This account will be of type Expense.
Sales Account This account tracks the total sales that occurred via GoCardless transactions on your GoCardless account. By default, the sales account is selected. This account will be of type Income.

Transaction History

You can view the list of all your transactions under Transaction History. To do so:

View transaction hist

Transaction Charges

The online transaction fees are levied by GoCardless. Check out GoCardless’s pricing page to view the transaction charges.

Remove Integration

To disable the GoCardless integration:


If you have already removed/disabled the integration, you can click Re-connect and enable the integration once again.

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