
How do I sync the customer’s payment terms from Zoho Books to Zoho CRM and vice versa?

There’s no default Payment Terms field in Zoho CRM. Hence, you will have to create a custom field for the same. For the payment terms in Zoho CRM to be synced to the corresponding field in Zoho Books and vice versa, the payment terms field in Zoho CRM should have an integer value. Here’s how you sync payment terms via the integration:

  • Log in to your Zoho CRM and navigate to Setup.
  • Click the Customisation tab and go to Modules and Fields.
  • Select Accounts from the modules list.
  • Add a new Pick List custom field in Layout/
  • Enter the custom field label as Payment Terms.
  • Enter the pick list options as 30,15,0,etc.
  • Set the default value based on your requirement and click Save.
  • Now map the Zoho CRM Account’s Payment Term custom field with Zoho Books Contact’s Payment Terms in the integration field mapping page.
  • Then, click Save and Sync to update your changes.

Note: Accounts created after the custom field creation will have the default value of that field. You can update the payment terms for the existing Accounts in Zoho CRM using the mass update option.

Insight: In the integration, the Payment Terms value of the Accounts in Zoho CRM will be synced to the Customers in Zoho Books.

Note: If you change the Payment Term value in Zoho Books for a customer, it will be synced back to the Zoho CRM’s Account as long as the same value is available in the pick list option for the Payment Terms field in Zoho CRM as well.

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