A leadership questionnaire can help you determine the effectiveness of your leadership style, or even the leadership system of your organization. There are many styles of leadership, and a leadership survey can help you decide which one suits your team or organization. It can also help you to better understand and play to your strengths.
The boss holds all the power, makes all the decisions, and also assumes full responsibility. They generally make decisions without consulting their employees or subordinates. The subordinates are expected to carry out their instructions promptly, without any arguments. Their communication is one-way (downward); they tend to be poor listeners and always want to be in control. Examples of famous autocratic leaders: Genghis Khan, Adolf Hitler.
The decision-making is de-centralized.Subordinates and group members are included in the decision-making process. The power does not rest solely with one person. A democratic leader takes on a supervisory role and delegates authority to others in the organization. This approach will more effectively promote enthusiasm amongst the employees, because they can see how management values and trusts their opinions and decisions. But the ultimate responsibility still rests with the leader, who must control the situation to a certain extent. Communication in this leadership style is two-way: both upward and downward. These leaders tend to be inspiring and broad-minded. Examples of famous democratic leaders: J. F. Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln, Indra Nooyi.
These leaders tend to steer clear of the responsibilities that go along with decision-making. They delegate the authority and responsibility of decision-making to their subordinates and generally take on a more passive role. They are often just given the title of a "leader," and do not give direction to their followers. They give their employees complete freedom to make their own decisions regarding their work, and step in only when requested to do so. Famous examples of laissez-faire leaders: President Herbert Hoover, Warren Buffet, Steve Jobs.
These leaders are more like a father-figure to their subordinates. They take care and guide them like a parent. They create a good working environment for their employees, so the relationship between them is tight-knit and built out of loyalty. They treat each other like family, both inside as well as outside the work environment. There is a lot of respect and admiration for the manager. Employees tend to work better, because they are invested in the outcome of the company. This kind of leadership style is more commonly seen in small companies. Examples of famous paternalistic leaders: Jose Mourinho, Henry Ford.
These leaders strive to inspire their followers to redirect their thinking to achieve a certain goal. They can often motivate people to do more than the individual even thought possible. These leaders create a vision and inspire people to follow it. They are usually charismatic and have excellent communication skills. Examples of famous transformational leaders: Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King.
Each leadership style is distinct and it's important to know which category you fall under to be able to use your strengths to bring about a change in your organization. The multifactor leadership questionnaire, like the sample we have provided close to the start of this page, can be used to measure a broad range of leadership styles and can accurately identify your style.