Course evaluation surveys are used to assess and evaluate the progress students make in each class, and their perceptions of it. They can be used to see if they meet their parents' expectations, if the course is relevant and effective for the students' overall growth and improvement, and if the school and the classroom environment is conducive to good learning. Teachers and parents can run a survey to check the effectiveness of each course and class.
How well does the teacher interact with the students? How good is the teacher-student relationship? Does it encourage or inhibit the learning process? Does the faculty make good use of technology to explain concepts? How effective is the overall education your institution offers? A good survey can yield lots of valuable information for both faculty and the administration. Based on the feedback you receive, the administration can offer better service to the students and faculty, and implement changes whenever required. The alternative to surveys are informal feedback that you collect in classroom discussions and parent-teacher conferences. These might not yield good outcomes or may prove inaccurate, often because of confidentiality reasons. Running a survey is easy, simple, and, most importantly, confidential. It can help your students be honest while they voice their problems and concerns.

Identify your goals and be sure of what you are looking for by running the survey. Provide a brief explanation so that your respondents also understand the purpose of the survey.
Make your survey short and crisp so that your students and staff take genuine interest in completing it. Use simple language for clarity. Avoid the use of jargon and technical terms.
Include multiple choice and likert scale questions to make it easy for your students to respond. You can also include questions with an open text box prompting the students to talk about topics that are not part of the questionnaire.
Zoho Survey's professionally-designed themes can give your survey a smart and trendy look.
Know what you want to ask. Be direct and to-the-point. Relearn the art of asking the right questions.