Creating Surveys
Create your perfect survey in no time.
- Question types
- Drag-and-drop questions
- In-mail survey
- Scoring
- Skip logic
- 200+ templates
- Multi-lingual surveys
- Custom variables

Personalize your survey to reflect your own remarkable style.
- Piping
- Customizable themes
- Logo upload
- Auto-fill
- Custom end page
- White-labelling

Sending Surveys
There's never been more ways to reach your audience.
- Web links
- Custom domain links
- Private group access
- Email campaigns
- Social media
- QR codes

Collecting Responses
Reach a wider audience, and collect more of the data you need.
- Collect responses offline
- Buy responses
- Embed in websites
- Trigger emails
Analyzing Reports
Smart decisions are easier with smart reports.
- Real-time Reports
- Filtered responses
- Custom reports
- Trend reports
- Cross-tab reports
- Shared reports
- Scheduled reports
- Multiple export formats

Keep your survey information confidential and secure.
- Password protection
- Multiple-response prevention
- SSL certification

Put your heads together to make the best decisions.
- Invite reviewers
- Share surveys
- Share reports
- Transfer surveys

Mobile Apps
The same great data you get on the desktop is now easily accessible from your phone. Our reporting apps for Android and iOS keep you in the know when you’re on the move.