Question Types
With over 25 different question types to choose from, your participants' answers will always be in the format you need.
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Drag-and-drop Questions
Get your survey out there in the shortest time possible. Our intuitive interface lets you quickly create questions, personalize settings, and publish the final result.

In-mail Survey
Embed a question into your email and campaigns. A click from your respondent gets registered as a response.
Learn MoreScoring
Scoring offers a single metric to represent how things are going, with your respondents and with your business as a whole. Typically, the higher the score, the better the perception of your organization.
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Skip Logic
Do away with the constraints of a traditional paper survey. Using question and page logic, you can set questions or pages to appear only after a specific answer is given.

200+ Templates
Find templates for frequently used survey types, fine-tuned by experts. They span a range of verticals and can give you a head-start on creating your perfect survey. Even better, they can all be edited to suit your needs.

Multi-lingual Surveys
What if your audience speaks a different language than you do? With Zoho Survey, you can have your survey translated and edited in over 30 different languages. Learn More
Zoho Survey is now available in six additional languages: French, Spanish, Japanese, German, Portugese, and Chinese.
Custom Variables
Pass on any additional information you need with custom variables. Whether it's an email address or a customer's unique identification number, it won't require any action from your respondents. You can use this feature to track your respondents' data efficiently and to streamline your reports.