Zoho Social is affordable
Zoho Social's standard plans cost $15/month whereas Sprout Social's standard plan costs $249/month. With Zoho Social, you can get the essential features you need at a price that's easier on your wallet.
Anybody can use Zoho Social
A tool's efficiency also depends on its ease of use. Zoho Social's interface requires no special training. Anybody in your team can start using Zoho Social, whereas it might take time to adjust to Sprout Social's interface.
Zoho Social's monitor feature comes with no limits
Zoho Social's monitor feature is robustly built, allowing you to monitor key metrics that you think are important for your brand. These include keywords, hashtags, product reviews, mentions, page searches, and much more.
Reels report helps you improve Instagram Reel creation
With Zoho Social you can do more than just posting Instagram Reels—you can view how your Reels have performed and plan your strategies accordingly. Whereas Sprout Social doesn't support an Instagram Reels report.
No hassle repeating your important posts
Using Zoho Social, you can repeat your evergreen posts weekly/monthly—you don't have to set up a date manually. Whereas with Sprout Social, you'll have to choose dates manually.