Shape up your imagination with infographics.
Use informational infographics when presenting information or giving an overview of a topic. In this example, we're emphasizing how social media can improve content marketing.
Save to my accountHarness the power of audio and video
Add a new dimension to your slides with audio clips
Audio can be a powerful supplement to your presentation. Add a voice-over, music, or a catchy sound effect to keep your audience's attention on your presentation.
Captivate viewers by adding videos
Simplify complicated ideas and persuade your audience better by channelling the power of videos. Visual presentations with videos can help better retain audience attention and get your message across in a more engaging way.
Create engaging narratives with path animations
Evolution of automobiles
Here's an interesting way to explain the evolution of automobiles using Show—as shown in the video, you can use path animations to turn static information into exciting narration.
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Save to my accountBuild realistic stories
Watch how a small change can bring a big impact to your stories. Here's a video of a surfer following a rigid path—notice how the visual gets more realistic when Show's advanced path animations are applied.
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Build something extraordinary with edit points

Drawing an elephant
Use edit points to turn basic shapes into something special. Watch the video to see how we used edit points to appeal to the child in all of us.

Drawing the Batman logo
Here's a little something from the Batman fans on our team—modifying shapes to create the Caped Crusader's logo!
Build interactive slides with animations
Animate your tables
Grab your audiences' attention right away. Turn those static numbers into impressive visuals using table animations. Animate them by rows and columns to bring focus to the details.
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Save to my accountVisualize data with charts
Help your audience digest information as you present it. Animate charts by series to draw attention to specific trends, or by category to compare sales across months. You can also animate charts as a whole, either by elements in the series or by elements in the category, using Show.
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Save to my accountText and shapes automatically fit

Forget the trouble of resizing your text to fit the shape or vice versa—Show automatically resizes them for you.