​The Operator's Handbook

SalesIQ is a customer engagement platform that helps the company to boost its sales, support, and marketing activity. An operator uses SalesIQ to communicate with the website visitors via chat and audio call to explain the product, to help them buy, resolve the customer's issues, and much more.

Let us learn the ten essential things an operator should be familiar with to work effectively on SalesIQ.

1. Setting up your profile

Let your customers know whom they're communicating with. You can set up the profile with your name and your image/avatar, and when the customers on your website get connected with you, they can get to see your photo/avatar on the live chat.


2. Customizing the visitor tracking view

SalesIQ allows filter the visitors visiting your site based on your preference and customize your tracking board more refined and drill-downed than viewing everybody. You can use visitor tracking to prioritize the hot visitors among all the visitors that hit your site. For example, if you are working for an real-estate firm and you are assisting only the visitors from the Asia region. Then you can customize your tracking view to prioritize and show up only the visitors from the specific region.

3. Using the Proactive Chat Window

If you find the visitor as prospective or struck on some page while tracking them on the rings, you can initiate a message to them proactively to extend your help to close the deal. You can click on the visitor name or the flag in the tracking rings or the list view. A pop-up window with all the necessary info about the visitor will appear. You can make use of the information to analyze the visitor and reach out to them to extend your help. 

Initiating a proactive chat to your website visitor:

  • In the tracking window, analyze the visitor info.
  • If you wish to communicate with the visitor, type the message in the text box given, which you can find at the bottom of the visitor tile.
  • Hit "Send

If you have multiple departments in your organization, then:

  • You can type the message in the text box given, which you can find at the bottom of the visitor tile. Then hit "Send," right after which you can choose the departments.


  • Choose the department on behalf of which you would like to send out this message to that particular visitor and send out the message.

4. Picking Up Incoming Visitor Chats/Calls

The chats/calls are the communication tool that helps to connect you and your website visitors. Let us learn how to use the tool now! The visitors might connect with you to get their queries resolved, to get help to learn using the product, to buy the product, the reason may be anything, but the customer seeks advice from you via chat when they are struck via chat. You can assist them whenever they initiate a chat/call, or if you think it is essential to offer help to specific visitors, then you can start a proactive chat right from the chat window.

How to pick and end an incoming chat? 

When the visitor initiates a chat, the chat request will pop-up mentioning the visitor's Name/Random ID and Question. Click on the Accept button to answer the conversation.

Once the chat conversation is wrapped up, you can hit End Session icon on the chat window and then End Immediate or select any of your required End timers to End the current chat. 

5. Options Available in the Operator Chat Window

Now that you have answered your incoming chat request from the visitor, we were hoping you could take this time to familiarise yourself with the chat window within the dashboard and the powerful tools you can use during live chats with your customers.

  1. At the top of the dashboard, you will see the visitor's name displayed if the visitor's name is not identified, then the visitor's random ID will be displayed. The chat window is designed to allow you to chat with multiple visitors at once, in one organized place, with separate chats popping into tabs.
  2. Below you will see the chat area, which displays the visitor's question as to the heading. With the time the chat started, the visitors' Name and E-mail showed below. As the chat continues, the conversation between you and the visitor will be displayed in this window alongside their display name.
  3. The Visitor's Info opens on the right side of the tab.
  4. If the visitor has a chat history, then the visitor's Recent Chats will be available under the Recent Chat tab.

  1. You can view what the visitor is typing in the messaging window even before the visitor sends the message to you.
  2. SalesIQ supports markdown, which is used to format the text in the operator's chat window. These markdowns can be viewed by clicking on the M icon with a downward arrow at the bottom right corner of the operator chat window. You can use typographical emphasis like bold, italics, increase the font size, quote a text, etc.

7.  Canning the frequently typing responses

Instead of continually typing out the same steps, instructions, or links to help your customers handle common issues. You can build an organized repository of the answers you need, and with them always right at your fingertips, you are a few clicks away from deploying the perfect solution. Without all the typing. With Canned Replies, you can pre-program the standard responses, answers, links, etc. With this, you get the ability to handle support requests in less time, which in turn saves both you and your visitors time.

Using canned message effectively during the chat:

You can store all the frequently asked answers in the Canned replies section, and you can use them effectively on the chat window 

  • You can type '#' followed by the word you would want to search in the chat window message area; all the messages containing the word will appear in the search. You can choose the message and hit enter. 

Note: You can also use Dynamic Text in the canned responses you store. Dynamic text can change/customize from one visitor to the other, which can give a personalized experience to the visitor.

8. How to transfer the on-going chat to another operator?

If you wish to transfer the on-going chat to another operator. You can tap on the More action button on the chat window and click the Transfer chat option. ​

Then, choose the operator or department name and click Transfer.

To invite another operator to join the conversation, you can tap the More actions button in the chat window and click Invite other operators. Then choose the operator and click Yes, invite.

9. Blocking the Spammers Directly from the Chat Window

If you happen to face a spammer/harasser during the chat session, you can block them right away from the chat window by tapping on the More Options > Block IP Address. If you have administrator privilege, the visitor's IP will be blocked instantly, and if you are an associate, then it will be sent to an administrator for approval.

10. How to Chat with the Co-operators in SalesIQ?

You can chat with your internal operators for any assistance during the chat with the visitors by tapping on the chat icon on the bottom left corner of the SalesIQ dashboard.​ You can view the internal chat history, which you had between the operators in the My profile > Internal Chat history section.​

Tips to improve your customer support experience:

Keep a tab on your customers feedback. It is always good to know the feedback of the visitor you are communicating with you, this helps you to improve your performance and the quality of the support.

Also, always have an eye on the chats that you miss to answer due to non availability of the operators as everyone is assisting other visitors. You can get connected to the visitors from the missed chat section and help the customers with the issue.