Know who's on your website
Get a real-time view of your website or app traffic right on your mobile device, sorted into hot, warm, and cold leads using criteria you've already set.

Receive live visitor notifications
Get notified each time a visitor lands on your website or app. With CRM integration, the notification also indicates if the visitor is a high value lead or an existing customer.

Never miss a chat again
You don't have to be tied to your desk for fear of missing out on important opportunities. The SalesIQ mobile app keeps you notified of all incoming chats and calls.

Make or receive audio calls
Take your sales and support to the next level by using audio calls to answer complex customer questions. If a call goes unanswered, visitors can leave voicemails.

Customize your app settings
Set your status as busy or available and choose what you want to be notified of in your SalesIQ mobile app.

Collaborate with your teammates
Talk to your teammates individually or in a group using the internal operator chat. You can also announce new offers or updates using the message board so your team is on the same page.