Mobilisten Configuration

Configure Mobilisten's actions and components according to your preferences by updating the .plist file with the necessary bool keys.


  • First, download the .plist file.
  • After downloading it, drag and drop the .plist file into the iOS project.
  • Finally, open the .plist file and add the necessary keys under the "FLAGS" key.

Supported Keys

KeysData TypeDescription 

Set yes to display the total storage space on the visitor info at the operator dashboard.

Note: Ensure to update your privacy manifest files with systemSize.


Set yes to display the app updated time on the visitor info at the operator dashboard.

Note: Ensure to update your privacy manifest files with fileModificationDate.

TRACK_APP_INSTALLED_TIMEBool Set yes to display the app installed time on the visitor info at the operator dashboard. 

To display the feedback at the end of the chat. 

Set no to display Happy, neutral, sad, and yes to display only happy and sad.

Note:  If the .plist file is not uploaded or is uploaded without specifying key leads, all keys are set to "no" by default.