Tab bar
You can customize all the aspects like the background color of the tab bar, color of the active/inactive tab icons and text to match the look and feel of your application.
Key | Description |
siq_tabbar_backgroundcolor | Background color of the Tab bar |
siq_tabbar_activetab_iconcolor | Color of the active tab icon |
siq_tabbar_activetab_textcolor | Color of the active tab text |
siq_tabbar_inactivetab_iconcolor | Color of the inactive tab icon |
siq_tabbar_inactivetab_textcolor | Color of the inactive tab text |
Sample Code:
Copied<item name="siq_tabbar_backgroundcolor">@color/white</item>
<item name="siq_tabbar_activetab_textcolor">?attr/colorAccent</item>
<item name="siq_tabbar_inactivetab_textcolor">@color/siq_conversation_tab_textcolor_darkactionbar</item>
<item name="siq_tabbar_activetab_iconcolor">?attr/colorAccent</item>
<item name="siq_tabbar_inactivetab_iconcolor">@color/siq_conversation_tab_icon_color_darkactionbar</item>