Slider option

This card helps to collect input from the visitor with a slider interface, i.e., they can choose a range starting from the first in the pre-defined range of inputs.

typeYesThe type of input to be displayed to the visitor.slider
valuesYesAn array of strings you would like to mark in the slider as options.A maximum of 10 options in the array with a character limit of 10 each can be provided. 
Channel compatibility and limitations


Facebook Messenger:

  • The card is supported on Facebook. 
  • When using this card, the range units/intervals would be given as a single select option for the users to select. 


  • The card is supported on Instagram. 
  • When using this card, the range units/intervals would be given as a single select option for the users to select.


  • The card is supported on WhatsApp.
  • A maximum of 10 range units/intervals (10 characters each) will be provided in a list format.
  • If the units are lesser than or equal to 3, all units will be listed as single select options.
  • When more than 10 units are provided, only the first 10 will be displayed.
  • The characters exceeding more than 10 will be trimmed, and only the first 10 characters will be displayed.


  • The card is supported on Telegram. 
  • When using this card, the range units/intervals would be given as a single select option for the users to select.


  • The card is supported on LINE. 
  • When using this card, the range units/intervals would be given as a single select option for the users to select.


Use Case

Copied//numbers in slider
  "type": "slider",
  "values": [

//string in slider

  "type": "slider",
  "values": [
Copied//Context Handler function
result = Map();
response = Map();
response.put("action", "reply");
response.put("replies", [
    "Could you please help me with your shoe size?"
response.put("input", {
    "type": "slider",
    "values": [
prompt = Map();
prompt.put("param_name", "slider");
prompt.put("data", response);
result.put("prompt", prompt);
result.put("todo", "prompt");
return result;

//Execution function
result = Map();
response = Map();
response.put("action", "reply");
response.put("replies", {
    "Could you please help me with your shoe size?"
response.put("input", {
  "type": "slider",
  "values": [
result.put("data", response);
return result;
Copied//numbers in slider
  "type": "slider",
  "values": [
  "platform": "ZOHOSALESIQ",
  "replies": [
      "Could you please help me with your shoe size?"
  "input": {
    "type": "slider",
    "values": [
Copied"user_defined": {
  "zohosalesiq": {
    "replies": [
      "Could you please help me with your shoe size?"
    "input": {
      "type": "slider",
      "options": [
        "zohosalesiq": {
            "input": {
              "type": "slider",
              "values": [
                "text" : "Could you please help me with your shoe size?"