Multiple select options 

This card allows collecting more than one option as input from the list of options provided. The card waits until the visitor picks the options and presses the submit button to send the input. 

typeYesThe type of input to be displayed to the visitor.multiple-select
optionsYesAn array of strings you would like to display as options.A maximum of 20 options in the array with a character limit of 80 each can be given.
max_selectionNoThe maximum number of options allowed to be selected from the given options array.A minimum (2) - maximum options can be set as per requirement.
Channel compatibility and limitations


Facebook Messenger:

  • The card is supported on Facebook. 
  • When using this card, the option would be listed in the bulletin, and the users have to type the options separated by a comma (,). Example: OnePlus Nord CE,OnePlus Nord 2


  • The card is supported on Instagram. 
  • When using this card, the option would be listed in the bulletin, and the users have to type the options separated by a comma (,). Example: OnePlus Nord CE,OnePlus Nord 2


  • The card is supported on WhatsApp.
  • When using this card, the option would be listed in the bulletin, and the users have to type the options separated by a comma (,). Example: OnePlus Nord CE,OnePlus Nord 2


  • The card is supported on Telegram.
  • When using this card, the option would be listed in the bulletin, and the users have to type the options separated by a comma (,). Example: OnePlus Nord CE,OnePlus Nord 2


  • The card is supported on LINE.
  • When using this card, the option would be listed in the bulletin, and the users have to type the options separated by a comma (,). Example: OnePlus Nord CE,OnePlus Nord 2


Use Case

  "type": "multiple-select",
  "options": [
    "OnePlus Nord CE",   
    "OnePlus Nord 2",
     "OnePlus 6T"
  "max_selection": "2"
Copied//Context Handler function:
result = Map();
response = Map();
response.put("action", "reply");
response.put("replies", [
    "Please select your options:"
response.put("input", {
    "type": "multiple-select",
    "options": [
         "OnePlus Nord CE",   
         "OnePlus Nord 2",
         "OnePlus 6T"
    "max_selection": "2"
prompt = Map();
prompt.put("param_name", "rating");
prompt.put("data", response);
result.put("prompt", prompt);
result.put("todo", "prompt");
return result;

//Execution function:
result = Map();
response = Map();
response.put("action", "reply");
response.put("replies", {
    "Please select your options:"
response.put("input", {
  "type": "multiple-select",
  "options": [
         "OnePlus Nord CE",   
         "OnePlus Nord 2",
         "OnePlus 6T"
  "max_selection": "2"
result.put("data", response);
return result;
  "type": "multiple-select",
  "options": [
    "OnePlus Nord CE",   
    "OnePlus Nord 2",
     "OnePlus 6T"
  "max_selection": "2"
  "platform": "ZOHOSALESIQ",
  "replies": [
      "Good choice, these are the available OnePlus phones. Kindly select your preferred options"
  "input": {
    "type": "multiple-select",
    "options": [
        "OnePlus Nord CE",   
        "OnePlus Nord 2",
        "OnePlus 6T"
    "max_selection": "2"
Copied"user_defined": {
  "zohosalesiq": {
    "replies": [
      "Good choice, these are the available OnePlus phones. Kindly select your preferred options"
    "input": {
      "type": "multiple-select",
      "options": [
             "OnePlus Nord CE",   
             "OnePlus Nord 2",
             "OnePlus 6T"
      "max_selection": "2"
        "zohosalesiq": {
            "input": {
              "type": "multiple-select",
              "options": [
                      "OnePlus Nord CE",   
                      "OnePlus Nord 2",
                      "OnePlus 6T"
              "max_selection": "2"
                "text" : "Good choice, these are the available OnePlus phones. Kindly select your preferred options"