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"Zoho SalesIQ has become an indispensable tool for BreadPartners, enabling our lean yet efficient team to maintain a high level of service and engagement with our customers."
"If you're a startup, I'd say getting SalesIQ would change your business to a large extent, as it has changed mine. Go ahead and get it. If not, you'll be left way behind"

"By implementing SalesIQ, the number of people who’re needed to be available to answer and respond to queries has reduced as the bot itself takes care of a large chunk of queries"
"SalesIQ acts as a lead generation funnel for us. Anybody who is coming on the website, we’re not losing out on the sales opportunities."
"SalesIQ has helped us optimize our support coverage, broaden our agents' capabilities, and increase our overall support efficiency by over 40% while saving us operating costs. For startups and SMBs, I'd highly recommend SalesIQ as it addresses all the needs for scaling and growth, yet you're paying a competitive price."
"SalesIQ enables us to see, almost in real-time, what's happening, where the business comes from, and what the natural journey is."
"On average, Zoho SalesIQ has increased our ability to handle visitor queries by 36% per day. SalesIQ has also improved our sales numbers. Customers have been more likely to reach out to us, especially because the chat works well on mobile phones and computers."
"SalesIQ played a very important role in enabling website visitors to connect with us directly with a click of a button and discuss the designs. It created a good experience for our customers, and we were getting good leads."
"Zoho encompasses everything that we will need as this company grows, and it'll also service all those needs"
"Real-time lead scoring to determine hit prospects"

"SalesIQ is very important to my organization now. But it's not nearly as important as it's going to be in a year from now. It ranks the visitors on my website and records that information and spits out reports of who's been on my website and for how long. I'm able to set customer criteria to rank these customers, so I could decide whom I need to contact and what priority level it is."
"Our website is very interactive experience for designing clothing online, and that comes with a number of questions customers have. We can jump right in with our design experience with SalesIQ, answer questions, and create value for them on the fly."
"Around 2300 new clients have been onboarded via SalesIQ's live chat in the past three months, where we onboard a total of 10,000 users per month from all the sources as a whole."
"Had we not installed Zoho SalesIQ, we wouldn't have made the next step to scale Chef Bharath. SalesIQ has transformed our organization as a whole."
"Our experience with Zoho SalesIQ has been very positive. We are able to now concentrate more on generating sales to both existing and new customers by being easily accessible. Zoho SalesIQ is well-integrated with Zoho CRM. The team behind Zoho SalesIQ is listening to customer requests and constantly trying to improve the product."

"Among the 11,000+ Zoho employees, not only do the marketing, sales, and support specialists across 55+ products use SalesIQ for their everyday operation, they employ SalesIQ to serve their 80 Million users across 180+ countries"
"Zoho SalesIQ helped us identify where we’re getting our visitors from and generate quality leads by directly chatting with them. We get an automated email of visitor behavior and downloadable contact data of visitors, which we use for email marketing to generate traffic and leads. Zoho SalesIQ’s mobile app helps us keep connected with our customers 24/7. The data provided by SalesIQ is helpful as Google analytics’ data and helped us improve our digital marketing campaigns."

"Zoho SalesIQ has helped our company tremendously. Since we provide an online recruiting platform, where users interact with one another, it is highly important for us to track our user engagement and sometimes help them through the live chat. In combination with Zoho CRM, SalesIQ is a must have for any company as it saves you a lot of time, gives you an overview about your users' experience and gives you the data needed to improve the website. Lastly, their customer service and help is absolutely fantastic and has helped me multiple times already."

"We were pleased with the ease of implementation. We implemented Zoho SalesIQ in only 2 days with 1 team member working on it and we are amazed at the level of functionality and the number of features provided. The affordable cost of Zoho SalesIQ and its ease of use also makes it a particularly valuable tool. But above everything, Zoho's customer support was always extremely responsive and friendly when we had needs or questions to ask. Zoho SalesIQ literally changed the way we provide assistance to thousands. We are very happy with and definitively continue to use it."

"The primary reason we use SalesIQ is for our website chat. It's been great because we've set up automated questions and backend workflows. Even if we miss an incoming chat, we are alerted and immediately follow up with the traveler. We have SalesIQ integrated with CRM, and it's cool to see where our leads are coming from, how they got to our website, how long they stayed, how many pages they looked at, and then bring all this data back into CRM. We have even set up lead scoring based on the visitors' behavior to qualify our prospects."

"I leverage Zoho SalesIQ's web tracking feature and chatbots on product sites. Setting different bot conditions for each product page encourages product site navigation and conversions. I also utilize Zoho SalesIQ's report feature. By using Zoho SaleIQ, sales teams can approach customers based on an understanding of which products they are interested in at the moment."

"Is this magic or just a really smart progressive team, offering an amazing product.... It works!"

"After implementing Zoho CRM, the very first application businesses must have is Zoho SalesIQ. It is not only good-to-have, it is a must"

"If anyone needs any help planning a holiday or making a booking, or if they have a question about an existing booking, they can contact us directly. We have the chatbot pre-programmed so that visitors can select what they need help with when no one in the team is available online."

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