"Since implementing Zoho Recruit, the company has grown from 50 people to 350 people."
Oleksii Tsymbal,Chief Innovation Officer
Broadcast your job vacancies to the best job boards and job aggregators and find the best talent from anywhere in the world.

Decrease your cost of hire for hard-to-fill positions with vendor portals, impressive career sites, and employee referrals.

Use Zoho Recruit's AI-powered Semantic Search to quickly and easily organize candidates according to correct skills and managerial levels.

Make Zoho Recruit work the way you want it to with custom modules, tabs, records for easy recall, and personalized organization settings.

Automate mundane, repeatable, and scalable processes that complement your growing company.
Zoho Recruit leads among online hiring softwares
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Hire your future
Manage relationships, not just data. Let Zoho Recruit take care of your daily, mundane tasks.
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